Mayra Nadya

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Haekal Mikael

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, 18 December 2015

38 weeks 3 days

18 December 2015 (Friday)
4.40am's been a long time since my last post...
There are quite a lot of things to be shared on here but I guess I dont have much time for that, maybe will do that after the baby has born.

Today, around 2.30am, I woke up (as usual) to pee. Ive lost some of my mucus plug since few days ago bit by bit of which the color is always white creamy. But it is not the case now. Just recently I passed out what seemed like blood clots / dark red + brownish gelatin type of discharge.

Doctor has warned to go to the labor room once there's a bloody show. But I told my husband to get ready only later at around 6am. Thia is because, my water has not yet been broken, so we still hv more time to get ready and to catch enough rest. the way, Im in this situation of a back labor, where the baby is head down but facing upwards (posterior) instead of downwards (anterior). So I never get to experience Braxton Hicks or any sort of contractions (my hub said I was lucky!) But I get a lot of back pain that radiates down my legs.

Baby has been really active since last night...this moment I can still feel her squirming around, hoping really bad she can turn around and face my spine. Without contractions I have no idea whether or not I am in active labor...

According to the doctor I consulted, back labor was a bit intense and harder to push. It took more time for baby to slide down and most of the time requires medical assistance such as by using forcep or vacuum to help baby out.

I really wish I can give birth normally without having to be induced or given any pain medication. As much as I wanted, I would prefer a drug free delivery.

1 more hour before checking in into labor, I  ready to have her in my arms. My hub seems so excited as well.

Nervous...until next time

Friday, 6 November 2015

Got admitted on 01 November 2015

Today : 06th November 2015
Week 32 Day 3

Sunday, 01st November 2015, I had the most terrible experience on my breathing. I could not breath, I was suffocating, I cried, I had to yawn a hundred times just to be able to get full cycle of inhalation and that night, I thought I would die. No kidding. Shortness of breath, it's like you are standing on top of a cliff on the edge, waiting to be knocked off and fall, and eventually die.

I am pretty sure a lot of pregnant ladies had experienced this before. I did some googling, and it says this kind of symptom is pretty much normal, we just had to deal with it. I was only around 31weeks plus and I still had few more weeks to go. Therefore I decided to go to the hospital thru A&E. If this is normal, then I would rather have this baby NOW! I couldnt take it anymore. My nose is small and flat, it's always been blocked coz I have an acute sinusitis, because of this, I have a very limited amount of oxygen passes down into my lungs. Breathing through my mouth didnt really help that much. I swear to God, it was terrible. I've been having this symptom starting week 30 +

So they did ECG and Echo, blood test to check on ferrous, oxygen saturation and so on. Amazingly each test turns out to be normal. My oxygen saturation was 99%. Heart was beating well. No abnormalities were found. Iron and Haemoglobin level were perfect. Then how on earth I had difficulties in breathing. Ruled out everything, they came up with a conclusion that my sinus cavities were inflamed. They gave me a nasal spray, which I only used once, and the symptom did alleviate, but the problem is still there.

Nowadays, I just need to flush out the mucus from my throat and nose, and Im doing better. The key is to ensure the room has a good ventilation. Hopefully I dont have to deal with it again in the near future. Another logic might be that the baby is getting bigger, she pushed my organs to a point where the diaphragm could not work properly at times. I dont know... I really hope I dont need to encounter this thing again, coz I am so keen to be back on TTC board again when the baby starts feeding, around the age of 6 months. I love my baby, I love being pregnant, but I have to also deal with the complications that come along with each pregnancy.. Shortness of breath is no joke... Seriously...

I got discharged on 3rd November 2015.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Most annoying pregnancy side effect during Third Trimester

Top number 1.
Sometimes I believe that this will be the cause of my death. It is really terrible, sometimes I wish I could deliver this baby faster

Number 2.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on my right hand. The numbness amd tingling sensation, ugh! Sometimes I feel the muscles esp on my middle finger are dead, I sometimes have the feeling to chop it off.

Number 3.
Shortness of Breath. Oh, have I mentioned about it earlier on. So annoying....

3D / 4D Ultrasound

Today : 1 November 2015
Week 31 Day 5

Baby's position : Head downwards, ready for her Birthday

We now get to see our baby !!! Went to Dr Ding Clinic yesterday for the scan and it took around 20-30 minutes to finish. Oh my... the first glimpse of you reminds me of Taufik, my husband's first and only nephew. Second glimpse you look like Zatul, Taufik's mother a.k.a my sister in law. I guess his DNA is too strong in you my dear.. lol.. you have his eyes, his nose, my chin, my nephew's lips, and my cheek :D yup, you are soooooo chubby you weigh around 2kg right about this time. You look awwwwwfully so sweet! Just like mommy. Heh... Mommy and babah cant wait to see u in less than 2 months time baby girl !!! We love you already, to the moon and back !!! Promise!

Oh...the doctor gave us 2 cds. 1 cd has about 50 pictures of baby, and the other one has 2 videos in it. All in all, costs us $220. Not bad !!

Thursday, 22 October 2015

30 weeks 2 days

Today: 22th October 2015
Week 30 Day 2

Woohoo ! I am now in my third trimester already. Baby is an active girl, I must say. Yes, GIRL ! Hehe... No secrets. She's been kickin' really low recently, I can strongly feel the pressure on my vajayjay, or cervix, to be precised.

We are yet to see her face on a 3D/4D ultrasound... The government clinic technicians are not trained to do the 3D/4D ultrasound, as per mentioned by the doctor I met that day. So our only hope is to opt for the Private clinics, as usual. Either Dr Ding Clinic at Yayasan, CY Lim Clinic at Gadong, or at Miri/Limbang... Coz I heard it is very cheap to do ultrasounds in Miri/Limbang. If I remember correctly, for a 3D ultrasound, it only costs around RM100, equivalent to BND 30. Woaa...
Here, a 3D ultrasound might cost around $100++ and a 4D ultrasound costs around $200. Nevermind, we gonna decide pretty soon coz we can't wait to see how she looks like... I really hope she has her daddy's nose, coz mine is pretty flat haha..

Did our second anatomy test when I was around 26 weeks, again, all went back normal. My GTT was fine too. So I have no issues on sugar level. Alhamdulillah...

Erm, so far I only gain around 4-5 kg, the weight did fluctuate tho, last week I lost nearly a kilo. Doctor was not worried. So I should not be worried too, thinking that I am huge to begin with when I found out that I was pregnant. I really thought I would become fatter, but Alhamdulillah, baby is good to Mommy, she gave me food aversions, in another words, she controlled my diet. LOL.

We have a name arranged for her. Not into fancy fancy names. I saw many ppl nowadays are giving their baby girl a very LONNNNG LOOONG name, hard to remember and hard to pronounce. Well, I have no right to condemn, coz it's their choice, their babies. Hehe..

This baby will be named as simple as possible, but sounds good to the ears.
Erm, we still need to buy lots and lots of things for her. All the important necessities have already been bought for her, only left with big and huge expensive stuffs, such as stroller, car seat, and so on, which we have decided to buy either using this month's budget, or next month's. We shall see..

Less than 10 weeks to go... I have so many friends on my FB who delivered earlier before the 38th week mark. Most of them delivered around week 34, and it gave me chills down my spine huhu.... coz I have no idea how well my body can cope to the pain during labour :( Nevertheless, I cant wait to have her in my arms... Oh baby ! Mudahan jua baby panjang umur. Aamiin !

Mommy and Babah can't wait to have you here in this world! xoxo

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Maternity Cloths and Appointments

Today: 22 September 2015
Week 26 Day 0

I am still using my old clothing. Haven't bought any maternity dresses yet coz my tummy didn't really grow as much as I expected.

Went to gynae RIPAS yesterday for another consultation.
Did the routine : heartbeat was fine, 150bpm and urine was normal, and that's it. LOL.

Next appointment will be on the 26th for my GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test).
Next ultrasound will be on 5th October.

Not much to say tho. We did few relocation of furniture in our room to give space for our baby. Will be buying more and more stuffs for BabyM this week!

Baby still kicks like mad. Hehe... It's ok sweetheart. We both love you till Jannah... Can't wait to see you! xoxo

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Trust me...i didnt gain as much weight as expected during this pregnancy

Today 15 September 2015
Week 25 Day 0

Only gained 3.9kg since day 1 of my was not bothered. So I guess that's ok. Furthermore, Im huge. I shouldnt gain more than 11kg as advised.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Strong Kicks

Week 24 and Day 6

My baby recently grows enough muscle and strong bones to actually buat mommy nangis kesakitan when she kicks. Lol... I exaggerate a lil bit. But her kicks are getting more and more kuat nowadays....

Love you BabyM, mommy and babah can't wait to see you... xoxo

NT Scan (12 weeks+) and Anatomy Scan (21 weeks+)

Today: 14th September 2015

Week 24 and Day 6

      • Image result for WHAT IS nt SCAN
  1. A nuchal scan (NT Procedure) is a sonographic prenatal screening scan(ultrasound) to help identify higher chances for chromosomal conditions including Down syndrome in a fetus, particularly for older women who have higher risks of such pregnancies.

That day we went to gynae RIPAS for our routine check. I was expecting the doctor to do NT Scan but she didn't do it. When we were about to be dismissed then only I requested the NT Scan to be done, since it's about time.

I really hate it. At RIPAS hospital, they won't carry out any tests if you didn't voice out. Sigh..

So, my NT Scan went normal. The thickness was just around 1.2-1.3mm so the chance of Down Syndrome is pretty low. You only need to worry if the thickness goes above 3mm. 

A week later, went to Dr Ding Clinic at Yayasan to check for NT Scan. Same result.

If a nasal bone is present it is also a good sign the baby wont have Down Syndrome. Mine? They didn't even bother to check. I have a flat nose, so I hope baby wont inherit mine.

On the other hand...

An anatomy scan is an ultrasound scan of your baby to assess if the baby is growing and developing normally.

The doctor from gynae RIPAS checked the brain, heart, kidney, stomach, and so on. She said everything seems normal. It only took her 2 minutes and that's it.

I did a lot of research before any scans. I did so many reading on googles and what not. Most of the time, the anatomy scan will be carried out on a long session. Thorough examination will be done on each part of the baby's organ. But this was not the case. It took them 2 minutes and we were done. Pff ! So pissed off.

Then a week later we went to CY Lim Clinic at Gadong (under Dr Emylina, she's highly recommended, TIP TOP service) to get the anatomy scan done. Still, same result, baby seems to be healthy and no deformities have been found. But the good thing is that, each session I had with her were never short. She explained one by one, she went into deep details and explained to us why this and why that. Usually each session will last about half an hour. Puas hati. She printed so many images also, not the karit type of doctor. Oh, the ultrasound didnt cost much either. Usually we spent around $50-65 only for each session. Dr Ding only 5 minutes charged us $100-120 per session. Uh! I know his machine is way advanced, but so far, I didn't see any difference ultrasound machine di Ding Clinic and CY Lim Clinic. Both are clear..

If you happen to go for an ultrasound, go to CY Lim Clinic and look for Dr Emylina. By the way, she didnt pay me for this advert haha... Good service deserves recognition.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

VIABLE Pregnancy ! ^_~

Today : 09 September 2015
Week 24 and Day 1
Weight gain throughout this pregnancy : 4kg :-(

It's been a while... and my pregnancy is now VIABLE !
What does a viable pregnancy means to us?
Say, Im gonna start an early labor *touch wood*, the baby will have a 50% chance of survival.
This is because, most of the organs and the lung have already been developed (lungs not perfectly developed tho). Still require NICU / SICU nurses to look after the baby for months so that the baby will grow normally and healthily. There will be some complications tho, mostly the developmental part of the kid.

I really wish I can keep this baby in my womb till it's due date.
Pregnancy is a blessing, but the side effects that came with it were not really pleasant.
Especially at nights. Huhu... Frequent visit to the toilet, uncomfy sleeping position, blocked nose, not being able to breath properly, heavy snore like nobody's business (luckily hubby never complained haha), headaches (this issue never resolved since day 1), occasional leg cramps, dogs barking in the middle of the night, bloody dreams (dreamt about ponti-bebeh once, huh!), ligament pain, the list goes on and on and on...

My eczema, is getting worse, I no longer use the cream the skin doctor gave me coz it doesnt do any good. Usually I will use TRIDERM to treat my eczema, but I am not sure if it is safe to be used during pregnancy...

And, those annoying red itchy spots in the middle of my chest, in between my boobs. Speaking about boobs, I am so so disappointed that they do not have any progress to grow big. They sore sometimes, but that's about it, I am still using the same old bra, no changes nothing. I so jelus bila tengok other women with huge boobs during their pregnancies. Mine is just the same old boobies. Pff!

My shoes are getting more and more fitter, I guess my feet are now swelling tho I can't really see any obvious lumps.

Oh ya...since yesterday I notice my urine will remain yellow no mater how much water I consumed. It is easy to get dehydrated during pregnancy. and being dehydrated during pregnant is NOT GOOD. It can cause early contractions, preterm labor, lack of amniotic fluid and the baby's legs and hands can be deformed. SCARY thought....

Recently, I feel like I wanna sleep the whole day. So I make time for my naps, luckily in my office ada sofa ehehehe...

Later will give updates about my ANATOMY SCAN result.
Feels so sleepy already, and time is now 12.28pm

Thursday, 13 August 2015

First time bleeding (red blood)

13th August 2015
20 weeks + 2 days

I experienced 1 time bleeding when I was 19weeks 6days pregnant.
Usually, I will only see whitish stringy mucus, creamish kind of lotion type, egg white cervical mucus + brownish + blackish snot (which the doctor said it was just old blood being flushed out).
So that night, when I wiped and saw the red color, I was....em..a little bit on panic,
coz I don't wanna lose this baby.... We've been this far already and I don't want to give up.
The red blood comes with the egg white cervical mucus with a brown tint as well.
and that was it. No more after that *fingers crossed*

The good thing is...............starting 20 weeks 1 day of pregnancy, I can already feel the baby's movements!!! Sometimes a few kicks ! Not strong enough to record it on camera yet. I am pretty sure those are baby kicks! Before this, I only felt some flickers, flutters, and bubbles. Now that it's getting more intense, oh Im so happy ! ^^ so so very happy ^^

Grow well baby...

Oh yea, for 3 consecutive days, I keep on losing weight.
Actually my weight fluctuates during this pregnancy.
I am now 5months pregnant and only gain around 1.9kg :(
Im a bit concern about this and will talk to my doctor again about this issue.
Last time she was not worried at all, looking at my BMI she does not expect to see huge increment.
I had diarrhea last week, but I managed to gain some weight but not for long...

Next ultrasound (anatomy yay !!) will be on 17th August 2015.
I can't wait to see you babyM...kisskiss!

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Sleeping quality is now getting terrible

Today : 19 weeks 0 days

I rather sleep on my back, it feels so good and so natural and somehow it's the most comfortable position on earth to get a good night sleep.
However, according to Mr.Google, it is best to sleep on either sides, preferable on the left side cause baby can benefit a lot from it, such as good blood circulation, baby can receive good amount of nutrients, and the umbilical cord will function at its best.

Ive been sleeping on my left side for the past few weeks. It felt soooo terrible !!!! Sleeping is no longer a fun thing to do. I woke up at nights so often just to make sure I'm on my side, but only to wake up looking at the ceilings, most of the time.

The con of lying on my back will actually cut supplies of oxygen to my baby in the uterus. How true is that, I don't really know. But if lying on my side is so good for the baby how come at nights I have to be awake and finding my self lying on my back? Isn't that how my body tells me that lying on my left side might as well not good for the baby? I believe the body has it own natural way to notify our self that something is just not right and you have to move and re-position yourself so that you can be comfortable and can function normally.

Nowadays, when I wanted to go to sleep, I would grunt and force myself to lay down and pretend to be okay having to shift my body to either side. My hubby bought me a pregnancy pillow, still it does not really serve its whole purpose. Huhu...

Counting, I still have 21 terrible weeks to go before I can sleep peacefully. Not mati okay. LOL

Saturday, 1 August 2015

What we did differently this cycle that leads to our 5th Pregnancy

Today: 18 weeks 4 days
Before I forget, let me tell you a story pasal DR ZAINAL, HOMEOPATHY. Actually I know him since I was a little, my mum and aunty pernah bawa kami kesana pasal my aunty ada masalah dalaman. I was around 10 yrs old that time, so his clinic has been here so long sudah, well established. and dont be surprised, EVEN doctors dari RIPAS came and see him, pasalnya doktor pun tau ubat drugs clinic nda bagus untuk d makan for long term, pasalnya I ever saw this one doctor from LEE CLINIC went there and ask for his consultation. Mostly all the doctors d RIPAS pun kenal ia. EVEN almost all of my colleagues pun pernah jumpa ia.
The interesting part is......that, my sister in law, they got married in 2011 and she ever got pregnant ONLY ONCE (atupun ectopic pregnancy, need to be terminated, and now she's still trying). That one time ia pregnant was after she ate ubat from DR ZAINAL. Amazing kan.... so after we heard about it, we went there somewhere in 2013 and immediately we got pregnant also lapas mkn ubat atu, but I miscarried, possibility pasal my husband punya sperm chromosome inda bagus (how I knew pasal from his semen analysis result, his morphology was only 3%, maksudnya spermnya cuma 3% sja yg normal, selebihnya smua cacat). My husband did 4 times of semen analysis. The latest result showed his morphology increased dramatically from 3% to 85% which I guess made the baby in my tummy possible. What are his medicines? I will get to that later.
Pasal babu Masna dari sinaut ani, banar2 selulu mengasi to me. Because previously I went beurut with Babu Hjh Tiong di terunjing (she's quite famous tho) but she massaged skajap saja coz her other customers/patients are waiting in queue di luar. She always said my left ovary malar teturun. Ive been with her for 5-7 cycles before moving on to URUT TRADISIONAL di kiulap and di salon, oh my salon atu, jangan cakap lah, I guess my uterus got bruised lapas kana urut, sakit rasa peranakan terasa untill few months after.
Alhamdulillah, I came to know this person, who recommended Babu Masna. So I went and see her. She said my ovaries dua2 subur, but uterus a bit licak. Im not sure licak because of the bruises I experienced masa beurut di salon or because of the clomids I took (pasal I heard clomid can actually shed your uterus thin).
I started beurut arah babu masna bulan December 2014. and I started GAIA bulan January 2015.
December 2014 - peranakan licak and shifted ke kiri
January 2015 - pernakan licak and shifted ke kiri
February 2015 - we skipped, didnt do any massage
March 2015 - she said something amazing, "Eh, timbul sudah peranakan mu ani, bila2 masa saja boleh betian ni, menunggu hari saja lagi"
SEKALINYA banar.......4th April positive OPK, and 6th April 2015 I ovulated conceived, and first got my faint faint line on PT on 16th April 2015 (10 days past ovulation)
We made love on 3rd April and 7th April. I guess sperm from the 3rd of April made its way into the egg (kalau ikutkan gender my baby now hehe).
Ok, below are the things that we did differently that made us this far into our pregnancy:
1. Started on GAIA - since January 2015
2. Started folic acid - since few months before we got married
3. Met DR ZAINAL on the day my OPK was positive (4 April 2015) and I guess his ubat yg buat my baby lakat in the first few weeks, coz ubat tu dpt fix my hormonal problem.
4. Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) - consumed few days after my mensus started, my first day of my last mensus was on 28 February 2015, so I ate EPO early March 2015. Oh I forgot to tell you, on March I didnt get my mensus, pasal I ovulate akhir in April 2015, on DAY 38. Selalunya I ovulate on day 16-20.
5. Doa dari indung, coz I got positive OPK two days after mymum doakan depan kaabah masa ia pegi umrah. If ada rezeki lebih, boleh pegi umrah otherwise can ask somebody to pray for you di sana. Alhamdulillah doa my mum kana naikkan.
6. Started Zinc supplement from Guardian - 10 days before my positive OPK. I guess it helped me with the egg releasing. Consumed zinc until end of first trimester because zinc helps to increase progesterone level and helps in building the right DNA.
7. Beurut arah babu Masna in March 2015.
8. Did not exercise eventho I am obese. Ppl esp doctor always said, pls lose weight otherwise you wont be able to get pregnant, I am a living proof that you can get pregnant even if you are overweight, slightly obese or morbidly obese. In terms of makanan, I ate as usual.
1. I made him eat Zinc supplement from Guardian also, to increase his sperm's quality and quantity.
2. Obvious change - he started JOGGING since January 2015 coz according to him, JOGGING can increase his sperm MOTILITY. (activeness) coz before his motility was just at the borderline, 60% so maybe his sperm time atu couldnt make it to the egg. So I guess after he started jogging, his sperm then became active and can swim faster. That's his logic. Ahaha... But Alhamdulillah, one factor that contributes to our current pregnancy
3. Every morning he will drink milo with honey. He stopped drinking his coffee and tea, coke and pepsi during our TTC period.
4. And I made him ejaculate every 2-3 days. Otherwise his sperm wont be as fresh. I dont want old sperm to enter my body. Old sperms means slow swimmers, or none, bad quality of chromosomes and will be of no use, coz even if I got pregnant from the old sperm, I will face another miscarriage.
Basically, we did not have sex for the sake of having a baby. Dulu yes, first year, second year, sex was a routine. I did not get pregnant in 2014. Sudah tah terpaksa make love, ended up mensus, we got even more pissed off. Marah2 and somehow it really gave a bad impact on our relationship/ But when we stopped stressing about having to have sex to have a baby (kesian my hubby, kdg2 kana paksa buat lol), sex was enjoyful. We did it in the morning, afternoon, night, subuh, anytime we liked with no strings attached. Dulu, we even had timetables on when to make love. LOL.... thinking back, it was a huge mistake.
Ppl always say "the moment you get pregnant easily is when you stop thinking about it" YUP....I have to agree with the statement. Moving on after our 2 years of marriage, I did not cry if I had my period. I didnt give a damn when ppl asked me about my fertility. I look on the positive sides of everything. I no longer get jealous to hear pregnancy announcements. All I think was "If it's meant to be, it will meant to be"
Rule number one. Do not get stressed out. It messes up with our hormones.
Wish you good luck. May Allah bless you with lots of beautiful children. Aamiin....

Additional Note:

I have a friend who ate EPO before she conceived. Her main reason was mainly to beautify her skin, alhamdulillah she got pregnant soon after that. So I wanted to give EPO a try !
I ate EPO, if I remember correctly, from cycle day 7 to 16 and I stopped. Because I heard that you should not be on EPO after ovulation. Right about the same cycle I started eating EPO, I got pregnant, and sticks till now, 20weeks+ ^_^ give it a try !

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

18 weeks 1 day PREGNANT

Hi little M,
How are you in mommy's tummy?
Feeling comfy enough?
You sure did, coz we saw you stretched your legs straight 2days ago when we did another ultrasound at CY Lim Clinic. Hehe...
You also share the same habit with you Babah - head scratching. LOL...
You bounced, you moved, you waved, oh my....
Everytime we did ultrasound you seemed to notice and showed us your kind of performance and entertainment. Even the doctor said "macam2 gayanya baby ani" ahaha....
OHHHH and you sleep like mommy ! with one hand up near the face. How sweet...
You also seemed to know when the ultrasound session is about to finish, is when you started falling asleep...
My sweetheart, Mommy and Babah cannot wait to see you...
Please grow well...sleep well...
Please know that you will get tons and tons of love when you arrive.
Later Mommy will drink lots of milk, so you can dance under the milk rain. Haha..
Love you baby...
Mommy and Babah are so blessed by your presence.
Fursisters wiki and mika are waiting for you too....They can't wait to look after you...
Be strong and be well...

Friday, 10 July 2015

Ultrasound 14 weeks 3 days

Ultrasound 12 weeks 1 day

Ultrasound 8 weeks 4 days

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Moving on to the....... SECOND TRIMESTER !!!! ^_^ v

Date: 08th July 2015

Week 15 Day 1 is my 32nd birthday, and my tummy is growing as well !
Sorry for the long absent.
Now I know that being pregnant, you dont feel like doing anything, at all.
Ive been a couch potato ever since I found out I was pregnant.
Sleeping like there's no tomorrow.
Being tired without doing any single chores.
Erm...the household chores are now handled by my loving husband. Hehe...
He does the laundry, cooking, cleaning, and all.
He's being really supportive, and I am so thankful that he is my husband.
Oh, he cooks better than I am. LOL.... So I am not worried about our meals during my confinement.

Last week, we went to Dr Ding Clinic to scan for gender.
However, my fatty tummy could not co-operate.
Tho his machine is really high-tech, but he can only give a 60% accuracy.
So we will need to return and do another scan on my 18th week.
I can't wait. Boy or girl, this is the most precious gift we've got from Allah...
Alhamdulillah... Mommy and Babah love you so much baby....

Some of the symptoms that I've got from the first trimester, have now slowly faded.
During my early pregnancy, the symptom that I hate the most will be FOOD AVERSIONS.
Who would have thought!!! I thought I would be craving lots and lots of food ! But it never happened !
I can't take in rice, chicken, beef, eggs, cooked and raw onions and garlics, used to eat fish but slowly I hated it, till now. I guess I missed out the huge list. Nevermind that.

Food that I am eating now, basically are made of flour, such as bread, pizza, pasta, and martabak.
I used to love HONEY GARLIC CHICKEN PIZZA, but from that, I can only consume the HONEY PIZZA, I took out the garlic and chicken. lol.. pathetic... oh well......

My first carbonated drink was 7up, drank it on week 10, I guess.
Now I only took a few sips of em. Coz it made my tummy upset.
Guess baby didn't like em.

Did a second NT scan, just to make sure, and the thickness is still below 1.3mm.
So baby is doing fine. Heartbeat is always strong. Baby moves a lot too.
Few times I felt the fluttering sensation. Im pretty sure it was not gas.

Tho I am pregnant, I am not in the mood for RAYA festivities, which is just around the corner.
I hate to hear the questions "when are you gonna have a baby?" "do you plan to have a normal delivery or c-sect?" "where do you work" "how much do you earn" "now that you are pregnant, can I touch your belly?" bla bla bla...... seriously, I dont wanna be questioned, NO questions pls..... Im tired of answering. Every year is always the same. Sigh.

My sister is law, who has married 1-2 years before us, is now still trying to conceive.
I do not want the people to feel sorry for her.
I just think that it is not fair for her to feel down during the festival.
I prayed to Allah to bless them with children.
I know how she feels.
So I am not in the mood to celebrate RAYA.
My dad recently had his stones removed. His prostate gland was swelling, so I am not sure what the doctor did to his gland. But now he's busy checking in and out the hospital.
After raya, it will be my mum's turn to also remove her pancreas stones. Doctor advised her to remove her whole pancreas, and I am totally against it !
My parents in law and my brother in law were also asked to do the same, but they objected.
They drank cranberry juice and the stones melted away.
So I bought my mum a cranberry juice this morning, hoping that it will save her pancreas, at least. a long story. lol....
I guess, until now.... will post the ultrasound pictures pretty soon !

Friday, 29 May 2015

Ultrasound at Dr Ding Clinic

Only 1 baby :D
Heartbeat was 178bpm
Measuring right on track, 8weeks 3-4days.

Beta result #2, prog, antenatal blood results

I am sooo happy!!!
I cried right in front of the doctor feeling shaky.
Look at the result shown in photo :'D
We are totally over the moon

Tanda-tanda mengandung bayi laki laki atau perempuan

Tanda jika mengandung bayi laki-laki
  1. Pada saat Anda menggantung cincin kawin Anda menggunakan benang diatas perut Anda, maka cincin akan bergerak melingkar NOT SURE
  2. Denyut jantung bayi kurang dari 140 kali /menit NOPE, IT WAS 178
  3. Perut tampak seperti bola NOT YET
  4. Tampak lebih baik dari sebelumnya YES
  5. Bantal menghadap keutara saat tidur NOT SURE
  6. Cenderung ingin makan daging atau keju(makanan tinggi protein) KEJU YES, DAGING NO
  7. Cenderung ingin makanan yang asin atau asam YES
  8. Tangan kering YES
  9. Kaki terasa lebih dingin dari sebelumnya YES
  10. Hasil Penambahan usia Anda (pada saat konsepsi) dan jumlah bulan pada saat Anda hamil adalah genap NOT SURE
  11. Rambut pada kaki tumbuh lebih cepat dari sebelumnya NOPE
  12. Suami dan Anda secara bersama-sama mengalami kenaikan berat badan WE LOST WEIGHT NO APPETITE TO EAT
  13. Badan terasa lebih berat dibagian depan NOT YET
  14. Tidak mengalami morning sickness pada awal kehamilan YES !!!!
  15. Sakit kepala biasa YES!! SOMETIMES UNBEARABLE
  16. Areola secara signifikan berwarna gelap HAVENT CHECKED
  17. Hidung mengembang HAHA NOT SURE
  18. Urine berwarna kuning terang YES
Tanda jika mengandung bayi perempuan
  1. Pada saat Anda menggantung cincin kawin Anda dengan benang atas perut, maka cincin bergerak dari samping kesamping NOT SURE
  2. Denyut jantung bayi lebih dari 140 kali / menit YES
  3. Perut terlihat seperti buah semangka NOT YET
  4. Pay*dara mengembang NOPE
  5. antal menghadap keselatan saat tidur NOT SURE
  6. Keinginan makan buah-buahan serta jus jeruk BUAH YES, JERUK NO
  7. Keinginan makan permen NO
  8. Wajah lebih berjerawat dari sebelumnya NO
  9. Rambut berubah agak kemerahan NO
  10. Berat suami sama seperti sebelumnya NO
  11. Pay*dara sebelah kiri kelihatan lebih besar dari yang sebelah kanan NO
  12. Berat badan lebih terasa disekitar pinggul dan punggung NOT SURE
  13. Mengalami morning sickness pada awal kehamilan NO
  14. Tidak mengalami sakit kepala NO
  15. Tidak mau makan bagian bawah sepotong roti OF COURSE
  16. Hasil Penambahan usia Anda (pada saat konsepsi) dan jumlah bulan pada saat Anda hamil adalah ganjil NOT SURE
  17. Terlalu banyak mengalami perubahan mood atau suasana hati NOT REALLY
  18. Urin lebih berwarna kuning kusam HMM DONT KNOW
  19. Terlihat lebih buruk dari sebelumnya YES


It's been a month since I last posted.
I guess the pregnancy thingy turned me into a couch potato, feeling so tired all the time!

Well...there are zillions of things to say but I do not know where to start because I feel so lazy and dizzy and lazy.

Today, my lil sprout is measuring at 9weeks 3days.

Last week we made a visit to Dr Ding clinic because hubby wanted to hear lil sprout's heartbeat.
I heard it already 2 days earlier at Early Pregnancy Unit at RIPAS. Unfortunately the doctor didnt allow my husband to hear the heartbeats, not until it has progressed to at least 12 weeks. So my husband was a bit disappointed and opted to go to a private clinic.

When baby was measuring 8weeks 4days, his or her heart was beating at 178 beats per minute. YES!
His or her. There's only ONE baby in there. Hehe.... It's OK !!! We are more than happy tho we expected to see twins.

Nevertheless, up to this date, I have not experienced any bleeding, ALHAMDULILLAH.
One time I had a brown discharge, not much to soak a panty pad.

Next appointment will be on 2nd June 2015 at HIGH RISK clinic (due to my previous 4 miscarriages, sigh!!!) to review my blood test.

Next ultrasound will be done on 15th June 2015, hubby has already booked his leave, he never wanted to miss out any ultrasound appointments. By that time, I will be around 11weeks 6days.

Ramadhan and Syawal, they are coming up...

Sent my kain to tailor shops already, and I am very nervous they are not able to cut to accommodate my growing belly.

Oh yea, since I am now under HIGH RISK clinic, doctor was expecting me to eat Aspirin one tablet a day, as well as to do daily injection with Fragmin. CRAZY. The idea to get myself injected EVERY MORNING was just HORRENDOUS. I am scared !!! Huhu, dont tell the doctor, I have never did any of these yet.

According to them, since I miscarried 4 times before, I need to do that to avoid blood clotting. But my previous blood test for coagulation was negative. Done on both 2012 and 2013. I have never had an issue with blood clotting. According to the doctor, TEST OR WITHOUT TEST I need to get down with Aspirin and Fragmin (the injection). Crazy. Next appointment, I will need to check for coagulation blood result, it it turned out negative again, I WILL NEVER EVER WANA DO FRAGMIN AND ASPIRIN.

From my research, continuous usage of ASPIRIN for a long term can cause my baby to become infertile if I am carrying a son. I love my lil sprout already and I am not gonna let them to go through infertility, coz I know how it feels to be hardly conceived. Ask those who have waited several years to conceive, they did not enjoy to go through this process. So NO! No ASPIRIN for me Doctor. Off they go to the trash!

To sustain pregnancy, I consume a lot of food that can naturally increase the production of Progesterone. At the same time, I will make sure I ate enough vitamins and minerals every day.

Wait...this rant has gone long. LOL. I was lazy to type a lot at first. So Im gonna stop at here.

This pregnancy gave me unbearable headaches.
I cried at times.
But as long as my lil sprout is healthy, I am all good.
I cant wait to see you baby....
We cant wait...

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Symptoms I got for this pregnancy

Headache on and off
Feverish heat on and off - major one
Sweat like a pig in 4 weeks
Sore boobs on and off - major one
Ovaries / ligament pain - always
Tight feeling on uterus (only on 22 dpo)
Forgetful and Clumsy (yes !!!)
Lower back pain
Weight gain, so fast.
Frequent urination
Urine often diluted
1 time I realised my lips were purple
Bit calm
Started to get piss of everything from week 5
Face glow - or maybe I was wrong lol
Hairfall ughh
Horny - very intense orgasms, I like!!

5 weeks Pregnant (22 dpo)

Went back for another blood withdrawal.

1st shot on the back of the hand - nothing
2nd shot on mid hand - alhamdulillah !!

The day before it took me 4 shots with nothing coming out, at all.

Next appointment for blood review's gonna be on 30 April 2015, TOMORROW !!!

Bit nervous tho...

PT - same as 21 dpo

4 weeks 6 days update (21 dpo)

Went to the clinic to withdraw blood. But vein did not coorporate. They went soft, small and deep. Postpone blood withdrawal to tomorrow.

Registered to ante-natal. They took my urine sample to check for protein and whatever. I dont actually know what they did to it. Doctor called for ultrasound.

Abdominal - nothing
Transvaginal 1 - said that mt bladder is too full need to empty
Transvaginal 2 - there's a sac! But no embryo yet coz still at an early stage. Doctor said it's normal.

She wants me to return on my 8th week, on 20 May 2015 coz ultrasound booking was quite full before that.

Here's the baby's first photo !

Monday, 27 April 2015

Pregnancy Test 19dpo or 4weeks 4days

Oh I missed this one out, here's the photo:

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Pregnancy Test 20dpo or 4weeks 5days

Today I took 2 tests. In the morning and afternoon. Morning urine looks soo diluted tho.

Friday, 24 April 2015

4weeks 3days Pregnancy Test and OPK

Top : OPK
Bottom : PT
Taken at 6am, 24th April 2015