Mayra Nadya

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Haekal Mikael

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday 13 February 2016

What happened after delivery

The most annoying thing after C-section delivery was to GET OUT OF BED. Like seriously, soooo sakit !!! Tuhan saja tau macam mana sakitnya. The most painful sensation I ever faced in my whole entire life!! The moment it hit me, I swear I did not want to have another child. Ever. But it was back then. Now, hehe...

The nurse encouraged us to do slow walking. But to stand up from sitting was just so unbearable. I had to ask the nurse to bring me pain killer. Still, the pain was so intense.

The first pee after C-section was also, erm... donno what to say... it felt so hot inside my vagina when I tried to pee, mcm ada fire inside burning. Fuhh.... Picking up my pad and disposable underwear were IMPOSSIBLE. Luckily the nurse was so supportive she helped me clear the floor. I also had to ask my husband to put on my socks. I couldnt bend my body, and I never had the courage to see my caesarean scar, until this moment!! Takutttttttt

In my third trimester, watching normal and c section delivery videos on youtube was very fulfilling, the thrill was there. NOW, never, ever!!! Esp the C-section videos. NO!!! Takut!!! Sakit!!! Ngilu!!! Tuhan saja tahu!!!

 4-5 days living with pain killer. I only felt better about a week after the surgery, tho I can still feel the tenderness on and off, until now. The scar is itchy as well. Now, my baby is coming to 8 weeks of age, I can already do the fast walk. But still, sometimes my whole body aches sakit kebas ngilu pedih... I guess pasal nda ambil berat tentang berpantang. On day 38, I quit wearing stokin. I only did 1 time bertajul, 2 sessions of post-natal massages as of now, 1 time mandi lulur and 2 times mandi daun. I didnt do pilis, bediang, betangas. And I rather be in an air-conditioned room, coz berpeluh nda nyaman rasanya lapas bersalin. Maybe it's just me. Yatah mymum riuh huhu.... Sorry babu...

As for the bleeding, kdg2 heavy kdg2 light. Kdg2 kering, then after a week lebat balik. Now no more.

Now Im doing great, and will be ready to be TTC-ing after 1 year hehe ops... doctor strictly said 2 years, but Im thinking about my age now. Bukannya makin muda. I need 1 more baby, in sha Allah, hopefully Tuhan will make things easier for us nanti. As of now, we are enjoying ourselves with our precious lil baby Mayra, wanna spoil her puas2 before ia ada adik. Mudah2an aaamiiiinnn...

Oh yea, I started my Gaia regimen already... better be careful during lovemaking, need to track my ovulation before ehem ehem otherwise doctor will kill me huhu till next time.


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