Mayra Nadya

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Haekal Mikael

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Breastfeeding in Public? Err...

We went to Airport mall the other day to buy some new dresses for our baby. I made sure she was full before we left. Little did we know she needed more oz to doze off. She cried and cried and cried frantically and thr people near us looked disgusted. Thanks, but it's not helping.

On a first thought we were about to return to the basement where we parked our car and feed our baby, but we met a cousin along the way who taught us how to carry a crying baby. It worked I swear! But not for long. A hungry baby is a hungry baby, nothing can stop her from screaming unless her mouth is filled with nipple. Sigh. So we changed our mind. We stopped by at a restaurant to feed the baby with a bottle, besides we were hungry as well.

4oz. Finished. She still cried. Oh no...!!

Shall I take out my nursing cover? I thought to myself. People were giving us asshole faces coz her crying interrupted their peace. Spent almost half an hour to soothe her to sleep, didn't work. A hungry baby is a hungry baby. Period.

Furiously, I went to the basement. Gave her milk, but she still cried. Ohhh maybe the diaper has to be changed, or so I thought. Went to the back of the car and get her diaper changed. Still crying. Loud... I guess somebody must have thought someone must have thrown a baby in the basement. stressful. I lost my being. I screamed along with the baby. Only mothers know this feeling... It's terrible!

Luckily, she decided to take the boobs and get her tummy filled and slept. So I went back upstairs to resume my meal. She remained silent, thank god!

Breastfeeding campaign goes wild in hospitals and clinics, but not ALL BUILDINGS provide a nursing room. I never had fed my baby in the toilet, never had to. Im sure some of you mommas have done that before. Poor you..

I saw some ladies use their nursing cover to breastfeed their hungry babies in public, and that includes my SIL? HOW ON EARTH DID THEY DO THAT?? Living in this conservative country makes it hard to accomplish that milestone, at least for me...

People throw faces at us when the baby was crying. Sad. I wonder if this is normal..

For the sake of my baby, I need to find this courage, and then I do not know how and where to start........

Love of my Life

Mayra's Funny Faces

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Homeopathy Doctor

Remember I had announced a doctor of homeopathy whose pills worked like wonders?

Dr Zainal, passed away when I was 7 or 8 months pregnant...


I was lucky...

I was lucky....
coz I had the most easiest pregnancy than my peers
coz I have the most supportive husband on earth (ya right~)
coz I did not develop any stretchmarks
coz my tummy were not as big as the others
coz I reached my pre-pregnancy weight a month after my delivery
coz I never had any contractions, never felt one
coz I never had nausea / puked
coz I didnt have fever / cold
coz my feet never got swollen
coz my sugar level and blood pressure were always normal
coz my energy level was OK
coz I felt calmness / serenity throughout the pregnancy

My only complications are...
- headaches
- carpal tunnel / tangan terseliuh
- shortness of breath
- couldnt eat chicken

Ya Allah...I feel so blessed, thank you for this gift...

Saturday, 13 February 2016

One month old baby girl

She appears big on pictures, but really, she's still tiny.

She had mild jaundice. Very mild.

Born when she was not ready. Agreed to be induced is the biggest mistake I ever made.

Her first day on earth. Few hours after delivery.

What happened after delivery

The most annoying thing after C-section delivery was to GET OUT OF BED. Like seriously, soooo sakit !!! Tuhan saja tau macam mana sakitnya. The most painful sensation I ever faced in my whole entire life!! The moment it hit me, I swear I did not want to have another child. Ever. But it was back then. Now, hehe...

The nurse encouraged us to do slow walking. But to stand up from sitting was just so unbearable. I had to ask the nurse to bring me pain killer. Still, the pain was so intense.

The first pee after C-section was also, erm... donno what to say... it felt so hot inside my vagina when I tried to pee, mcm ada fire inside burning. Fuhh.... Picking up my pad and disposable underwear were IMPOSSIBLE. Luckily the nurse was so supportive she helped me clear the floor. I also had to ask my husband to put on my socks. I couldnt bend my body, and I never had the courage to see my caesarean scar, until this moment!! Takutttttttt

In my third trimester, watching normal and c section delivery videos on youtube was very fulfilling, the thrill was there. NOW, never, ever!!! Esp the C-section videos. NO!!! Takut!!! Sakit!!! Ngilu!!! Tuhan saja tahu!!!

 4-5 days living with pain killer. I only felt better about a week after the surgery, tho I can still feel the tenderness on and off, until now. The scar is itchy as well. Now, my baby is coming to 8 weeks of age, I can already do the fast walk. But still, sometimes my whole body aches sakit kebas ngilu pedih... I guess pasal nda ambil berat tentang berpantang. On day 38, I quit wearing stokin. I only did 1 time bertajul, 2 sessions of post-natal massages as of now, 1 time mandi lulur and 2 times mandi daun. I didnt do pilis, bediang, betangas. And I rather be in an air-conditioned room, coz berpeluh nda nyaman rasanya lapas bersalin. Maybe it's just me. Yatah mymum riuh huhu.... Sorry babu...

As for the bleeding, kdg2 heavy kdg2 light. Kdg2 kering, then after a week lebat balik. Now no more.

Now Im doing great, and will be ready to be TTC-ing after 1 year hehe ops... doctor strictly said 2 years, but Im thinking about my age now. Bukannya makin muda. I need 1 more baby, in sha Allah, hopefully Tuhan will make things easier for us nanti. As of now, we are enjoying ourselves with our precious lil baby Mayra, wanna spoil her puas2 before ia ada adik. Mudah2an aaamiiiinnn...

Oh yea, I started my Gaia regimen already... better be careful during lovemaking, need to track my ovulation before ehem ehem otherwise doctor will kill me huhu till next time.

What happened before the delivery

On week 38, I went to RIPAS for my routine check. Dr Azmah, at that time, suggested to run an induction on week 39. According to her, there were no use to wait until 40 weeks term, coz week 39 is already considered as full term. Besides, I am on thyroid medication and due to my previous miscarriages, she advised so.

On week 38 day 6 (21st December 2015), I checked in and was admitted in Ward 32. First induction was made in the morning at 6.30am. No cervix opening. Second induction took place in the afternoon around 2pm, still no progress, zero dilation. Third induction was made on the next day at 7am, and still nothing.

The Indian doctor simply say "You are the right candidate for C-section", and I was like, what?? Can't I just wait for another few days coz maybe the baby was not ready yet. Err, no... Not possible... I cried coz I really wanted to experience the normal way of delivery. But it never happened. Not long after, a Chinese doctor went in to see me and we had a discussion about the C-section. So it was final. C-section to be carried out at 2pm (22nd December 2015).

The most annoying part before C-section was the catheter. One hand was attached to the IV drip, and one hand I have to use to carry the catheter. The holding part was not hard, the inserting part was horrible. And walking with the catheter on was damn, erm, not so comfortable. I whined and complained to a nurse, but it was just the way it was, a standard procedure applied to all C-section candidates.

I was put on the bed and pushed to the main operation theater. Long story short, the experience itself was so unnerving. I was put under spinal anesthetic, not epidural. The difference is that, with epidural, the bius dosage can be adjusted and will be off after the surgery. With spinal, we have to lie down for another 24 hours after the surgery, imagine, you cant move but you have to get and feed your baby who was kept right next to you inside her cot, I couldnt reach her !!! And my husband nor my mother were not allowed to stay in to provide a helping hand. They can only stay in with me if I checked in into a private room (first class room) which will be given once I have learnt how to walk and after I have farted (funny, but there's a reason why). I was not allowed to eat until I farted, damn I have not eaten for more than 40 hours since the night before my third induction (candidates were asked to fast few hours before the surgery so I was not allowed to take my breakfast on 22nd December). If I remember correctly I only ate in the evening on 23rd December, my last meal was on 21st December at 9pm. Crazy! Yet I have not farted but I had to eat coz I was damn hungry! Oh to those of you yang kan kana operate, make sure to drink prune juice after surgery, it helped a lot to avoid unnecessary additional pain !!

When they did the spinal, I felt a bolt of thunder went down my right leg, and according to the practitioner, it was completely normal. Painful I tell you! Then bermulalah episod tarik menarik di bahagian perut. I could not feel the pain, but I could feel the pulling pressure. My lower body was numb. My hands were shaking, I felt really cold. The Indian doctor who did the spinal stood right beside me, he was really sweet, he told me what to expect, and what to feel. He tried to soothe me, and it was of a great help.

Suddenly, my tummy felt lighter, but still no sign of baby. I asked the nurse what happened. She told me that the umbilical cord wrapped my baby's neck twice, and left a blue mark on her neck. Nda lama atu, I heard her cry. OMG. The most beautiful sound on earth! Her cry was so beautiful, for me lah huhu... I could not wait to see her face!!! and when I did, I kissed her and cry!!! This is the baby whom we have waited for almost 3 years after 4 miscarriages !!!

The baby was brought out to see my husband, her grandmas, grandpas. I were sent to the recovery unit. There, they checked my blood pressure. At first it was really low, coz I was shaking, trembling, kajar2 due to the anesthetic. I felt so cold I wish they could cover me with dozens of blanket. It took about 5 minutes to get my normal blood pressure back and later on being brought to Ward 33 to settle down.

My husband and my MIL came in around 5pm (baby was born at 3.10pm), see how strict they were??? But it was good coz I could have my good rest before receiving any visitors.

Mayra Nadya Izzara was born on 22nd December 2015, at 3.10pm, weigh 2.65 kg, same birthday like her maternal grandpa a.k.a my dad :) ;'D