Mayra Nadya

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Haekal Mikael

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Symptoms I got for this pregnancy

Headache on and off
Feverish heat on and off - major one
Sweat like a pig in 4 weeks
Sore boobs on and off - major one
Ovaries / ligament pain - always
Tight feeling on uterus (only on 22 dpo)
Forgetful and Clumsy (yes !!!)
Lower back pain
Weight gain, so fast.
Frequent urination
Urine often diluted
1 time I realised my lips were purple
Bit calm
Started to get piss of everything from week 5
Face glow - or maybe I was wrong lol
Hairfall ughh
Horny - very intense orgasms, I like!!

5 weeks Pregnant (22 dpo)

Went back for another blood withdrawal.

1st shot on the back of the hand - nothing
2nd shot on mid hand - alhamdulillah !!

The day before it took me 4 shots with nothing coming out, at all.

Next appointment for blood review's gonna be on 30 April 2015, TOMORROW !!!

Bit nervous tho...

PT - same as 21 dpo

4 weeks 6 days update (21 dpo)

Went to the clinic to withdraw blood. But vein did not coorporate. They went soft, small and deep. Postpone blood withdrawal to tomorrow.

Registered to ante-natal. They took my urine sample to check for protein and whatever. I dont actually know what they did to it. Doctor called for ultrasound.

Abdominal - nothing
Transvaginal 1 - said that mt bladder is too full need to empty
Transvaginal 2 - there's a sac! But no embryo yet coz still at an early stage. Doctor said it's normal.

She wants me to return on my 8th week, on 20 May 2015 coz ultrasound booking was quite full before that.

Here's the baby's first photo !

Monday, 27 April 2015

Pregnancy Test 19dpo or 4weeks 4days

Oh I missed this one out, here's the photo:

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Pregnancy Test 20dpo or 4weeks 5days

Today I took 2 tests. In the morning and afternoon. Morning urine looks soo diluted tho.

Friday, 24 April 2015

4weeks 3days Pregnancy Test and OPK

Top : OPK
Bottom : PT
Taken at 6am, 24th April 2015

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Officialy Pregnant :D 4weeks 2days

Did the digital test this noon. Took about 2 minutes for the word "Pregnant" to appear yayyyyy........then a minute after it says "2-3 weeks" yup ! Today is my 17 dpo ! So it matched!! Yayyyyy........

Next appointment for beta test is on 27th April 2015. Second beta result will be out on 29th April 2015.

Then off for our first ultrasound once my hcg hits above 2000. Baby pls be healthy pls...

Pregnancy Test 16 dpo and 17 dpo

Top pt - 16 dpo
Botoom pt - 17 dpo

I am happy that the purple color is now more significant. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah...

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Pregnancy Test 15dpo

Yup. Double shade from 13dpo :)

Monday, 20 April 2015

Thyroid, BETA HCG and Progesterone Result

Bloodwork done on 12 dpo (Saturday 18 April 2015)

Result is out on 14dpo (Monday morning 20 April 2015)

- TSH THYROID (from normal 1.2 rises up to 6.5 - NOT GOOD) - above 3 is abnormal

I stopped taking in Levothyroxine because I thought drinking GAIA alone will help me to fix the hormone. I was wrong. So now need to continue on a dose of 25mcg.

- BETA HSCG (18.7) yayyy I am pregnant, but doctor was not pleased because the level is too low. She was expecting to see more than 100 miu. How could it be so high at the begininng?? It was only 11/12 dpo and my ovulation was late. So i was also wondering whether the implantation occured a bit late. At first she didnt want to continue the bloodwork test, but insisted to go for an abdominal ultrasound to check whether there is a sac inside. Pfff... my hcg level is too low to detect one. Doesnt she know that in order to find a viable sac the hcg level has to be at a minimum of 1500??? Well thats what I told her!! So she asked me to check and test my urine. Went out and took a bottle from a nurse. Did the test my own before I handed over. U know what the nurse did? Since it's too faint (my cheap pt is wayyyyy more sensitive than theirs!!!!!) she labelled as NEGATIVE. This is the reason why I never need to trust the clinic wholeheartedly ! I showed her my cheap pt and the line is dark ! (Tho it doesnt really show on photo)

PROGESTERONE - no need to rant coz ittttssssss at 27.9 :D yayyy above 10 is GOOOOOODDD

Next bloodwork is on 27th April (next week!)
And they also need to monitor my TSH thyroid level after 6 weeks.

We just have to wait and see.

Pregnancy Test 14dpo, am and pm

Pink - opk
Blue - pt

The top 2 (opk and pt) were being taken at 5am

The middle (pt) taken at 10am

The bottom 2 (opk and pt) taken around 4pm.

Clearly that the opk is now getting darker and it is positive.

Somehow I trust the opk more than the pt. The opk can show you whether your hcg level has increased, which in my case, it is.

Pregnancy from 11dpo to 14dpo it gets darker way obvious...

Today my beta result will be out.
Bit nervous.
Hope this is it...

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Pregnancy Test 13 dpo

It didn't get any darker.
It gets lighter than yesterday.
Why so slow??
I am nervous to get beta result tomorrow morning and on wednesday morning whether there is progress.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Pregnancy Test 12 dpo

Compared to test taken at 7pm last night, today it is a lil bit lighter. Yesterday evening it took 10 seconds for the line to appear. This morning (4.30am) took around 1 minute for the line to appear. Somehow it crushed my heart but I guess I tested so close into the days. Now is 12dpo. I SHOULD take the next test on 14dpo. Later will go to the clinic to check my beta. Sigh..hope this is it. But.

Another one photo which shows the opk. Opk is getting way darker today 12 dpo than on 11 dpo.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Pregnancy Test 11dpo

First image (photo adjusted so that we can see the line)
1st urine in the morning 3am
Pt and opk. Opk is dark. Pt is very faint.

Second image (no filter. Only cropping)
2nd urine in the morning 11am
Line on pt is visible

Third image (no filter) Maybe 5th or 6th urine 7pm, on the right. Line is still visible, gets a tiny bit darker

I hope this will become our first baby. Aamiin.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Pregnancy Test 10dpo

Today is 16 April 2015
Cycle 48
12 days after Positive OPK
10 days after Ovulation

This morning I used the cheap PT as usual to check whether there's a line. Yep. Saw a very faint line within the 5 minutes frame.

So went out to buy another PT from minimart. Again I tested at work. Yep. Saw a very faint line within the 5 minutes frame.

This evening, again I tested. Still very very faint but when it dries up, the line is pretty much obvious.

I dont know. I am used to get these kinna line. I wanna see dark lines. So im gonna disregard these tests.

First image : (morning test) You cant see the lines on ohoti but you can see the lines with bare eyes

Second image : (evening test) After it dried up. Line can be seen.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Indeed, I was ovulating

Today : 10 April 2015
Cycle Day : 42

Positive OPK : 04 April 2015
Suspected Ovulation : 06 April 2015

Baby dance on 03 and 07 April 2015 because now hubby is not feeling well.

DPO : 4

I started to feel mild sore on my right ovary. Most food that I ate got no taste, I dont know why.

Oh ya....just for an update, I went to see Dr Hj Zainal again, expert of Homeopathy on Tuesday, 07 April 2015. If you read my previous blog I said I had enough of him. Thinking back, my cycle went back to 28 days after I ate his medicines, and I had a chemical pregnancy soon after, and this also happened after I started doing Atkins diet.

Refer to the links:

So I started to consume homeopathy medicines too. and Gaia. and Zinc. and Folic Acid.

So lazy to type. Bye!

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Opk today 4 april 2015

Cycle day 36
Opk is still negative

Friday, 3 April 2015

Confused. Again and again.

Today 3 april 2015
Cycle day 35

Yesterday my opk went faded at 3pm and 7pm. So i thought i was pregnant and about to miscarry.

Then strange thing happens again today. At 10am the opk was dark again. At 12.30 the color was sooo dark it almost match the color on the control line. My pelvic now is a bit sore and numb huhu... i guess im just ovulating. Luckily we managed to catch up last night. Err...

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Creamy lumpy mucus that I have right now

It says i am not in my fertile phase.
But my opk is near to positive.
What exactly is going on?

Confused. Still.

Today 2 Apr 2015
Cycle day 34

Opk is getting darker today eventhough I drank a lotttttttt of water. And i got this creamy globby white discharge everytime i pee. Hm. Pt is still negative. Is my body gearing up for ovulation orrrr am i pregnant? Im so nervous now...