Mayra Nadya

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Haekal Mikael

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday 28 February 2014


Before I hit my 30, I always thought I was a healthy lady.

When they check my blood pressure, it went to normal. They checked my sugar level, went back to normal.
Checked my cholesterol, most of the time it went well. Cuma ada one time tu when do blood withdrawal, my blood dried up pretty quickly inside the tube and the nurse said it was due to high level of cholesterol. Other than that, cholesterol level was always kept under the borderline.

When I get married, got pregnant and miscarried, that's the time when I was diagnosed with so many penyakit...antaranya:

-my mensus went whacky after my wedding. maybe this is due to "hormonal shock" (u know...husband punya chemical pun dh masuk dalam body)

-first pregnancy failed due to infection, group B something nama bacteria dia. this bacteria can cause miscarriage

-second pregnancy failed sebab low progesterone. hormone progesterone tak cukup utk tampung pregnancy

-third pregnancy was a chemical pregnancy, it means the implantation did happen, but it didn't stay for long

-fourth pregnancy failed due to so many reasons.

You know.....when a pregnancy happen, so many things inside our body also changed, especially the hormones. Setiap pregnancy, TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ballooned up like crazy, sebab baby also needs the Thyroid Hormone to grow. Senang je kalau nak tau Thyroid Hormone si ibu cukup atau tak. By blood test, kalau TSH level dia tinggi, then maksudnya the brain pushed so hard to stimulate Thyroid production. Bila TSH tinggi, Thyroid Hormone is really low. Sebab tu kena stimulate lebih.

And this happened to all my pregnancies ! and I just knew this....

Normal range for TSH kalau nak conceive should be less than 1.0

After 4th miscarriage haritu, doctor checked my TSH level and it was pretty high, 6.0++ No wonder la gugur.... So kat situ, doktor suruh makan ubat Levothyroxine 25mg 1 tablet per day.

After one month, my TSH level dropped from 6++ to 5.25, Syukur.....atleast ubat tu effective

Now, my target is to get my TSH level below 1.0 and doktor kata kalau saya disahkan mengandung, I have to double my Levothyroxine dosage, kena makan 2pill sehari. Ok lah...sampai skarang pun belum lg ada khabar preggy pun....belum rezeki kan...

Oh ya, I was diagnosed to have Subclinical Hypothyroid. Maksudnya, simptom2 nak kena penyakit Hypothyroid dah kena ambil langkah awal untuk cegah. My TSH level was abnormal, T3 and T4 was in the normal range. Sebab tu masih boleh pregnant, but tak dpt nak sustain pregnancy :'(


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