Mayra Nadya

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Haekal Mikael

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday 28 February 2014

On clomid. Follicle monitoring.

I have started taking clomid this cycle, itu pun selepas my cycle day was too long, I had to wait for 50++ days to get my mensus, first time nih....

Doktor gave me Norcutin untuk datangkan period, and to start clomid and decan on day 2-6. At the same time also she asked me to consume metformin, per day 1000mg to cope with my PCOS issue. Oh did I ever mention I had PCOS? Not surprising, sebab I ni obese =( Dulu I never thought I would have this, but well.......

So haritu Day 16, I went back to the clinic untuk jumpa doktor. I went there with my hubby, he's very supportive as usual. So doktor scan lah kan, and she didnt look happy. I was not happy either coz she didnt put extra TV infront of me. Sebab kalau pegi ke clinic Dr Ding kat Yayasan, boleh nampak apa yg doktor nampak sebab kat sana ada 2 TV utk tgk ultrasound monitor. Kat Lee Clinic only 1 lor..... So I asked her lah, byk ke follicles yg tumbuh? Dia diam jap. Then she told me "the biggest is only 1.1"

I was like, 1.1cm ??? why so small..... doktor kata for ovulation to occur it should be as big as 1.8cm (minimum!!). So I might be ovulating late, or none at all. Hopefully late lah ! So doktor asked me to increase my metformin dosage from 1000mg to 2000mg. Oh god...

To tell you honestly, makan2 ubat ni I dont like ! Esp drugs. I kalau demam pun I dont eat panadol. Habis2 pun I only drink 100 Plus, Air cincau dan pakai Detox Foot Patch. Memang mujarab lah ! I even taught my anak buah jgn biasakan makan panadol. It brings nooooo gooooddd.

Like it or not, I have to force my body to eat "drugs" - banyak plak tu...haish....takpe....kalau ini yg terbaik untuk mendatangkan buah hati kami, I am willing....eventhough have to go thorugh headaches moodswing nausea fatigue and so on... Good thing is, lately, my husband rajin sangat nak urut kepala dan badan kekekekekekekekeke

Oh oh....lupa nak kasitau, Doktor also asked me to start taking Progesterone pill on 28/02/2014 (today!). Nama ubat tu Duphaston. This will ensure my lining will be thick enough to support pregnancy. Amin amin Ya Allah janganlah engkau biarkan kami bersendirian tanpa Zuriat, engkau maha mendengar doa !! :(


Anonymous said...

So does it help you to conceive? I've your blog last year and and I'm trying to conceived for a year.. Hope you can help me out with this one. Thanks

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