Tuesday, 3 April 2018
O&G Weekly Appointment 03 April 2018
38 weeks 2 days
Tuesday, 03 April 2018
Wow..it's been quite a while lol...
Just got back from the hospital. Mayra is now sleeping so mommy is eager to post updates coz I think the D-day is very near approaching.
Last week (37+2) I got admitted arah wad 32 due to suspected leakage of amniotic fluid since week 37. They monitor for 2 days - no further leakage so I got discharged on Thursday (37+4) dengan syarat mesti habiskan antibiotic for 7days.
This morning around 7.30am I felt mcm ada something keluar from bawah and I suspected mucus plug - after doing all the image googling. Not surprised tho coz since last night I've been experiencing severe pain arah my lower back, and what feels like menstrual cramp (karau rasanya). Yes it was painful but still bearable, tho not comfy and hard to find a position to be able to sleep.
So...met Dr Azmah tadi around 10.30am, she checked my cervix and seems like baby masih belom ready to pop out, coz it's still high up there she actually had to saluk dalam2 (omg sakit). She said there's still no progress of baby coming out anytime soon and there's no reason to induce since sudah ada scar from my previous C-section. Unless if I experience cramping, ada bloody show, aing ketuban pecah then only I have to rush to the labor room and they will do elective czer (if I recall correctly lah). As of now let the nature does its work and hopefully this time around I will be able to deliver normallyy lah...AAMIIN...
Actually panjang lagi kan type 😅 but malas. next time. Let's see if I can upload gambar mucus plug using this fon. Kan update pakai pc, slow banar.
Update : nop...cannot upload photos/videos via iphone 🙄 android's way better 👍🏼 sigh
Another update: 12.50pm - some more mucus plug can be seen arah mangkuk tandas. no fresh blood yet.
Tuesday, 03 April 2018
Wow..it's been quite a while lol...
Just got back from the hospital. Mayra is now sleeping so mommy is eager to post updates coz I think the D-day is very near approaching.
Last week (37+2) I got admitted arah wad 32 due to suspected leakage of amniotic fluid since week 37. They monitor for 2 days - no further leakage so I got discharged on Thursday (37+4) dengan syarat mesti habiskan antibiotic for 7days.
This morning around 7.30am I felt mcm ada something keluar from bawah and I suspected mucus plug - after doing all the image googling. Not surprised tho coz since last night I've been experiencing severe pain arah my lower back, and what feels like menstrual cramp (karau rasanya). Yes it was painful but still bearable, tho not comfy and hard to find a position to be able to sleep.
So...met Dr Azmah tadi around 10.30am, she checked my cervix and seems like baby masih belom ready to pop out, coz it's still high up there she actually had to saluk dalam2 (omg sakit). She said there's still no progress of baby coming out anytime soon and there's no reason to induce since sudah ada scar from my previous C-section. Unless if I experience cramping, ada bloody show, aing ketuban pecah then only I have to rush to the labor room and they will do elective czer (if I recall correctly lah). As of now let the nature does its work and hopefully this time around I will be able to deliver normallyy lah...AAMIIN...
Actually panjang lagi kan type 😅 but malas. next time. Let's see if I can upload gambar mucus plug using this fon. Kan update pakai pc, slow banar.
Update : nop...cannot upload photos/videos via iphone 🙄 android's way better 👍🏼 sigh
Another update: 12.50pm - some more mucus plug can be seen arah mangkuk tandas. no fresh blood yet.
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