Mayra Nadya

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Haekal Mikael

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Anatomy / Anomaly scan @ Gynae RIPAS on 28 Nov 2017

29 Nov 2017
20 weeks 3 days

Yesterday, we were so happy to get up from bed, because we were so keen to know the gender of this baby, and to get information from the ultrasound technician about how well our baby is.

We arrived @ RIPAS at around 8.15am.
We waited more than an hour before my name was called.

I thought I would be seeing this kind, middle aged malay woman who used to always scan my tummy.

Instead I met this chinese lady yg quite snobbish πŸ˜… sombong sulnya huhu... I dont get to ask her name tho... mind you, not all chinese are like that ah...the chinese dietitian I met yesterday was an angel πŸ˜‡ love her to bits...and Dr Alice from Endocrine Unit is also a bless. They are lovely people, glad to have them around ! πŸ˜‰

Ok, so I cakap lah at this lady, I said nicely "kalau dapat, minta tolong check kan gender ya"
well, it's GOVERNMENT CLINIC y'allllllll....what do you expect...
you have to request to get them going....
otherwise they wont do that for you...

then she said "only if I can see"
ok sure, no hal...

it took her around 1 minute before she turned the screen for me to have a peek.
and she said "right now I cannot see the gender"

"it's okay lah" i said, and continue saying "how about the baby? are all the organs well developed?"

"that one also i cannot see. as you can see here, it's too blurry"

oh....and i kept quiet.

and she continued "we'll see how it is on the next scan"

so I got up and left the room, disappointed.

we went there for an ultrasound, hoping to hear some news...but...

then lapas atu have to wait again another hour for consultation with the doctor.
that time mood sudah down berabis...

oh by the way, my weight kemarin dropped sikit, and blood pressure was 106/66

bila doctor panggil masuk, she asked me to lie down to check my tummy, and she asked "how's the ultrasound?"

I said to her "she asked me to wait for the next scan coz she couldnt see it clearly"

doctor cakap "maybe you asked about the gender? maybe it's still too early"

so i replied "yes i did ask her about gender, that one I dont mind lah. but I also asked her about the organs of my baby, and all she could say was - still blurry"

doctor seemed surprised and said "i thought i saw a statement just now" so there she was, reading the screen again.

the statement says something like this "brain chamber seems normal. all organs seem ok, dont see any defect"

and i was like....tediam skajap


ani okay tia? normal tia? why didnt she say that to my face? all she had to say was "still blurry"

sasak ku...huhu...

i guess my BP kemarin atu naik kali pasal i kept on thinking about it sampai ani...

if she can make a statement like that to inform the doctor, she could have said the same thing to me....

is this the standard procedure kah? letting the doctors know tapi diam2 arah patient... I DONT GET IT

buat ultrasound pn inda sampai 5 minit. i know la banyak patient di luar. sigh...

I remember dulu masa pregnant with mayra, 16-18  weeks sudah nampak pakai machine Dr Ding di yayasan, Dr Ding cakap 60% girl. 40% boy

then 18-20 weeks lagi buat scan di CY Lim clinic, 80% girl, 20% boy kata Dr Emy.

yang ani, 20 weeks guna machine hospital kerajaan, still cannot see anything...rubbish lah, baby that time was stretching his/her leg....i saw it....mana ada bekatup... (sorry emo sikit !)

and trust me...these are not the only reasons I got frustrated kemarin...

Endocrine Appointment @ RIPAS on 27-Nov-2017

29 Nov 2017
20 weeks 3 days

When I was 2months+ pregnant, my TSH level was around 7++
To have a very healthy pregnancy, the level should be below 2
and 2 days ago, the doctor was quite happy to see my TSH blood test result
it was around 1.3 if im not mistaken.

Nevertheless, she increased the dosage from 50mcg to 75mcg,
because according to her, as the pregnancy progresses,
the baby requires more thyroid hormone from the mother.
Well, not a long as my baby is healthy and happy,
anything for you my dear...

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

How Soon Can You Find Out Baby's Sex?


How soon can I find out my baby's sex? I know you can sometimes tell by using ultrasound, but are there any other reliable methods that are used?


    This is one of the most common questions I receive from parents-to-be. Most patients undergo an ultrasound at around 18-20 weeks (about four and a half to five months). Normally, at this stage of pregnancy we can determine the baby's sex, but not always. The position of the baby during the ultrasound is the most important aspect in our ability to tell the baby's sex, andthere's no way to influence that. For obvious reasons, it's usually easier to see if the baby is a boy.

    For more info, click here.

    Today's Appointment at RIPAS Hospital (24 Oct 2017)

    Tuesday, 24 Oct 2017
    15 Weeks 2 Days

    Today's appointment is just doing routine check up.
    I kept on losing weight, hard to gain weight eh...mcm mayra duluπŸ˜•
    Blood pressure was fine, 104/61

    Checked baby's heartbeat using a fetal doppler, no sound. no heartbeat😰
    Panic sekajap...
    Doctor said it's pretty normal tho, since my belly has too much fat lol...
    Fetal doppler will only be able to detect heartbeat around week 14-16
    Sometimes 12-14 weeks, esp kalau skinny girls lah..

    So she decided to do an ultrasound just to make sure baby was okay.
    and Alhamdulillah, my lil bunny active garak2 hihi....I guess pasal tadi I ate chocolate before jumpa doctor.

    So far, everything went well, thanks to Allah....

    next meeting will be on 31 Oct 2017, for anomaly scan. or anatomy scan. not sure if they are similar tho. written on paper was anatomy, but the doctor said we're gonna be doing anomaly #shrug# πŸ’

    Sunday, 22 October 2017


    22 Oct 2017
    15 weeks 0 days

    I have an anxiety gets worse in every pregnancy. will talk about this in my next post.... too tired already

    Our NT Scan did not go well as planned ... not happy with the doctor

    Today is Sunday, 22 Oct 2017
    15 weeks 0 days

    NT Scan is actually done to detect whether baby has any chromosomal abnormality.
    It is ONLY accurate if done in between week 11 and 14 gestational age, if done after week 14 it wont be of no use.

    During my first pregnancy haritu, we did this test 3 times.

    The first one was at RIPAS, tho it was a very brief check, sekajap saja di check nya. atupun she did that after we requested *pff* otherwise she would have not done it.

    Inda puas hati, so the second test was done arah Dr Ding Yayasan, machine quality wise was superb ! So tarang. Clean and clear. His explanation pun patut di puji lah. Worth the money walaupun mahal sikit, but memang sangat2 berbaloi.... let me recall ah, if not mistaken he charged us in between $80-120

    Third test, we did arah CY Lim Clinic di Gadong. tho machine nya inda berapa tarang, but we really like the way this one particular doctor membari explanation, very friendly lagi we were so comfortable being with her and she was never karit to give us the printouts banyak2. was charged around $50-75, sorry inda berapa ingat. oh ya, the doctor's name was Dr Emy, but unfortunately she is no longer there, kana replace by Dr Faridah. She's okay.


    This current pregnancy, we did arah CY Lim clinic sebab kan save cost *πŸ˜‹*

    We went there on Tuesday night, 10th October 2017, kalau ikut perkiraan I was about 13 weeks and 2 days pregnant.

    Side note: by right kalau ikutkan the first day of my last mensus, I was supposed to be 14 weeks and 2 days pulang hari atu, but our two earlier scans measured a week behind, so we assume it to be 13 weeks and 2 days lah ah...

    Went there, Dr Faridah was on leave for a month, so I had to choose this Chinese female doctor lah im not sure what was her name, lupa sudah πŸ˜…

    The moment she saw us, Mayra time atu was on the weighing scale, so she just stood there and observed. She asked me, how old was Mayra , so I told her lah coming 1 yr 10 months. She asked my husband, what was her weight. Husband said 9 point something. She said "haaaa??? she's underweight !" while pointing to Mayra. Dalam hatiku, there goes again.... *sigh* ....Mayra is  a very picky eater, very fussy, memilih makanan, and she eats too slow...pokok pangkalnya, anak ku ani inda suka makan but she loves to play. Very active lil girl.

    Kalau Dr Joel, a Paediatrician (dont mind the spelling pls?) from JPMC he would not and will never say something like that to small kids apatah lagi to the parents. He actually prefers small babies, asalkan active katanya. and he would not suggest any medications or supplements.

    But this chinese doctor from CY Lim, sigh... sudah tah serious mukanya mcm kan makan orang 😝, then she asked me to give Mayra supplement mcm Appelin and apakah lagi satu atu I cant remember.

    Sorry doctor, not that Im against those ubat2an, but I rather not have my kids mkn synthetic drugs unless kalau banar2 perlu. actually before pregnant dulu I rather opt for homeopathy punya ubat2an for my kids but nak buat mcm mana kan... Dr Zainal sudah passed away 😭

    She said to give Mayra Appelin until she reaches 10kg, after that can stop lah. DUI ALANG2.... she was around 9.6kg-9.8kg at that time, then 10kg stop?? I actually had the urge to laugh at her face but of course, I slowly rejected her offer. I said to her, I came to visit her bukan pasal mayra, but it's about my baby in my belly, wanna do NT scan. sigh.... (oh by the way, today Mayra punya weight 10.1kg sudah)

    Cut story short, pasal ngaleh sudah typing, baby was measured at 14 weeks 3 days !!! a week and a day ahead !!! is growing up so fast....slalunya kalau scan ia slalu a week behind.

    So the doctor refused to do NT scan pasal it's above the recommended gestational age, instead she only did routine and anatomy test saja, mcm measure kepala, badan, check to make sure all the organs are there, making sure baby is all well and normal.

    But one thing yg we dont like about this doctor, she acts as if she knows everything and that she's always right, seolah2 patient ani should have no say. sorry, but no sorry...

    We were so hampa when she said this...

    "Actually NT Scan should only be done on week 11 and that's about it"

    Then I said to her "But doctor, isnt NT scan can be carried out from week 11 to week 14"

    she said "no no no, only around week 11 you should do NT scan. if now you want to do NT scan, only through blood test"

    paning ku....

    even DR DING ever said to me, NT Scan can be done as long as it does not pass the 14th week mark.

    this indian doctor from RIPAS also said the same thing, from 11 weeks to 13 weeks 6 days only ujarnya.

    we didn't know baby would be of that gestational age, because we were pretty confident baby time atu only around 13 weeks 2 days πŸ˜”

    apa tah salahnya, check kan tah saja dulu......apa jua 3 days late (since baby measured 14 weeks 3 days) and since we were there and we were paying...but ia mcm inda mau buat...sedih ku eh....

    never knew there's a blood test for NT tho....never heard about it...and it costs around $500ish...government clinic pun ada buat, she also said she can make a referral letter, kataku no need lah...menyamal ku sudah...

    so now...we tawakkal saja lah, we can only pray that our baby is all well and he/she will lead a very healthy life nanti...

    sorry ayat's already late, and I'm so sleepy.

    will post another time...

    Tuesday, 26 September 2017

    Beautifully captured by her mamit padli during Hari Raya 2017 (1 yr 6 mths), that time she was on the floor menangis because mommy ignored her because she was too clingy minta kana kipak and mommy was a bit busy during that time angkat barang =P manja woooo

    Saturday, 16 September 2017

    2017 Updates's been a long time! Malas nak blog coz iPhone made it so hard to get access into blogger site, unlike my Samsung dulu #sigh actually had to pay for the service, which I did try once, and at the end of the day got it uninstalled  coz it was not a user-friendly type of app. Samsung dulu free saja, and very easy to use. Kan tukar samsung balik mcm malas jua haha #theBigM

    Last update was made somewhere in Nov 2016, I guess..

    Alhamdulillah, Mayra is now 1 year and 9 months, a very active lil girl who loves to play slides and enjoy the water, and In sha Allah, by mid of April 2018 she will become a big sister =D coz I am now pregnant with our second baby, still 10 weeks inside the tummy.

    I told her Babah to hold back, coz that time I was about to start on Atkins Diet (again! i know...) managed to shed 2.5kg in a week before I realised I was indeed few days late for my period. skali check PT, ada dua line... I had mixed feeling when I know I was pregnant:

    1. Oh still fat :( and Im pregnant?? mati lah I will never get a chance to slim down, like foreverrrrrr??????

    2. But Im now 34 yrs old, I need more kids before I hit 40.

    3. This rezeki, right here in my tummy, inda semua urang dapat merasa, not everyone is blessed to get an easy pregnancy, so why should I whine???? Giving life is far more important than losing weight, or so I thought?

    coz being pregnant while you are quite BIG, selalu ada banyak complications. But alhamdulillah, when I got pregnant with Mayra, never had an issue, except aing ketuban bekurangan on week 38.

    and Alhamdulillah, this pregnancy, so far semua ok, that day they made me drink Glucose since im HUGE, and a day before the test I ate chocolate and tons of ice cream, BIG TIME, pasal aku lupa besoknya ada glucose test haha...but luckily I PASSED gestational diabetes. mudahan jauh from me..even though all my aunties uncles and both parents have diabetes.

    Next scan will be on week 21. But we gonna be doing a scan arah private before week 13 for NT test. I mentioned before on my blog, this test is to check on the thickness of fluid behind the baby's neck, if it's less than 3mm then the risk of down syndrome is very minimal. I wonder why government inda buat this scan...

    Supaya anak dalam kandungan ani sihat sempurna dan agar semua urusan berjalan dengan lancar aamiin...

    and to those yg masih trying to conceive, I pray to Allah to give you comfort and patience, to bless you with kids in the near future, aamiin ya rabbal alamin....dont lose hope...I went through 4 miscarriages before I get to meet Mayra. pls dont lose hope...and berdoa setiap hari. the time will surely come, perancangan Allah inda pernah salah, pls remember that ladies...