Thursday, 24 November 2016
Cycle Day 10
24 November 2016
I feel a mild pain on my right ovary.
according to the calendar (scroll below), my next ovulation is predicted on 1st December 2016.
so far, no plan yet.
I feel a mild pain on my right ovary.
according to the calendar (scroll below), my next ovulation is predicted on 1st December 2016.
so far, no plan yet.
More like a stay-at-home mom
24 November 2016
Thinking about it, I am so blessed to be given an opportunity to look after my baby without having to send her to daycare, or to my parents and parents-in-law (ada lah sekali sekala, esp to my parents-in-law since they live in KB, so I still have to send her there for bonding purpose, coz this baby is so manja, she will be so clingy to those who she sees often, so I dont want her to be distant with her family in KB)
Well, we stopped sending her to daycare when she was 7 month old, after she was diagnosed of having Hand Food Mouth Disease (HFMD), no idea how she got it, maybe ada some loopholes at her school, you know, parents sending their sick kid and all, or she got it during Raya festival. Shrug.
Parents-in-law suggested not to send her there anymore and said they are more than willing to look after her.
Allah is the best of planner. Things happen perfectly at the right timing. Allah is great!
I've been working with this International Business Company (IBC) since 2010, I was the key person besides than our Directors, whom are not based in Brunei. Throughout my service, I miscarried 4 times, everytime I got pregnant, time atu jua lah I got SOO SOOO SOOOO busy with work, maybe it's one of the contributing factors to my miscarriages. My 4th miscarriage happened sometime in 2013.
It made me think...I need to slow down a lil bit. One day I came across this job advertisement looking for a Primary Maths Teacher. Well hey...Maths is my strongest subject, been giving out tuition classes since 2005, so I thought, WHY NOT. why dont I give it a try... Lagipun, I only have to work half day (TIA KARANG), the work is not much not very tiring (TIA KARANG), I get to enjoy more holidays (well while this is true, I do think all teachers deserve this without any prejudice or judgement, since they cant take any day offs during school term anyway, mind you, being a teacher means you are always on the run, walk from one place to another, and to stand still for a long period, SANGAL hehe) but worth it. but that's not the point,....
The point is........AKU MAU AMBIL SUKUT KANAK2. You know, being surrounded with kids, I thought, maybe dapat ambil sukut and mungkin I will indeed get pregnant.
To cut the story short, being interviewed 3 times (first with the principal, second with BOD+principal, third with the MOE and after I passed my teaching demonstration, I got the offer ! Oh my I really love all the kids ! I fall in love with them almost instantly ! My year 4 students pernah cakap "Teacher, kami sudah doakan supaya teacher dapat anak, twins" They made my days better. I love them to bits.
Allah's plan is the greatest of all. From there, I know Teacher Pinky. She is the person who introduced me to Babu Masna, if you follow my story from the beginning, you will know who she is.
She's the person who said "Bisai peranakan mu ani, nah tabal ah, bila2 masa saja boleh betian ni" (ACTUALLY she said this after few months of taking Gaia, coz previously she always said my peranakan LICAK, and my ovaries are always shifted to the right (according to her if this always happened, I will be getting a baby girl, WELL HELLO MAYRA!)
Oh I forgot to mention, when I submitted my resignation letter to this International Company, they didnt allow me to quit since I am the key person there and the first to be hired, they still needed my service, so they made a new contract for me on a part-time basis, I only have to report to work twice a week, 1-2 hours each session, and the pay is half of what I got during my full time. Still high la, siapa kan membari duit beribu sebulan, only work twice a week, 1-2hrs each session. Alhamdulillah rezeki dari Allah. On top of that I also receive my salary from this Primary school, alhamdulillah luas rezeki...duit sentiasa cukup.
I started teaching in Sept 2014, and I got pregnant in April 2015. MY FIFTH PREGNANCY.
Again, I have to make a decision to sustain this pregnancy, after all those miscarriages I was so afraid I would lose another one. SO, I decided to quit teaching :((((((((((((((( for me, I can find money so easily, but I might not get another chance of conceiving. It was a very hard decision tho...
But it was a blessing, coz it made that pregnancy a bit easier to endure, coz nda banyak bekeraja. Tho inda lagi teaching, I am still bonded with my part time work, and still get some $$$ alhamdulillah ya Allah for that rezeki and comfort.
My baby was born on 22nd December 2015 :) the greatest gift I've got from God... Thank you!
Thank you Teacher Pinky, Thank you Babu Masna, Thank you Gaia, Thank you Students yg mendoakan teacher dapat anak, Thank you my Director for being the greatest boss on earth hehe, Thank you cats for absorbing all my stress vibes, Thank you husband for giving me your sample haha, Thank you family for your moral support, Thank you Mayra for that easy pregnancy journey. Siapa lagi ku lupa sabut...Thank you!
Jaga anak is not easy...after she got HFMD, kalau bukan my parentsinlaws and parents yg jaga, I will look after her on my own, coz my prinsip is simple, I do not like and I dont want to menyusahkan people. I rather jaga my own baby atleast nampak di mata2 ia growing.
Now people liat myself mcm inda bekeraja, but I am still bonded with my former company like I said, and I still earn $$$ so inda lah beharap sangat kan duit my husband, coz he also has other commitments. Tunggu tah baby basar sikit or baby sudah sekolah barutah pikir kan full time job. Right now, my main focus is arah baby, my part time job, my online business, tuition classes, and in sha Allah soon, mudahan Tuhan melancarkan segala urusan, to build an empire on my soon-to-be perniagaan, all in God's hands, coz like I said, He is the best of planner.
Thinking about it, I am so blessed to be given an opportunity to look after my baby without having to send her to daycare, or to my parents and parents-in-law (ada lah sekali sekala, esp to my parents-in-law since they live in KB, so I still have to send her there for bonding purpose, coz this baby is so manja, she will be so clingy to those who she sees often, so I dont want her to be distant with her family in KB)
Well, we stopped sending her to daycare when she was 7 month old, after she was diagnosed of having Hand Food Mouth Disease (HFMD), no idea how she got it, maybe ada some loopholes at her school, you know, parents sending their sick kid and all, or she got it during Raya festival. Shrug.
Parents-in-law suggested not to send her there anymore and said they are more than willing to look after her.
Allah is the best of planner. Things happen perfectly at the right timing. Allah is great!
I've been working with this International Business Company (IBC) since 2010, I was the key person besides than our Directors, whom are not based in Brunei. Throughout my service, I miscarried 4 times, everytime I got pregnant, time atu jua lah I got SOO SOOO SOOOO busy with work, maybe it's one of the contributing factors to my miscarriages. My 4th miscarriage happened sometime in 2013.
It made me think...I need to slow down a lil bit. One day I came across this job advertisement looking for a Primary Maths Teacher. Well hey...Maths is my strongest subject, been giving out tuition classes since 2005, so I thought, WHY NOT. why dont I give it a try... Lagipun, I only have to work half day (TIA KARANG), the work is not much not very tiring (TIA KARANG), I get to enjoy more holidays (well while this is true, I do think all teachers deserve this without any prejudice or judgement, since they cant take any day offs during school term anyway, mind you, being a teacher means you are always on the run, walk from one place to another, and to stand still for a long period, SANGAL hehe) but worth it. but that's not the point,....
The point is........AKU MAU AMBIL SUKUT KANAK2. You know, being surrounded with kids, I thought, maybe dapat ambil sukut and mungkin I will indeed get pregnant.
To cut the story short, being interviewed 3 times (first with the principal, second with BOD+principal, third with the MOE and after I passed my teaching demonstration, I got the offer ! Oh my I really love all the kids ! I fall in love with them almost instantly ! My year 4 students pernah cakap "Teacher, kami sudah doakan supaya teacher dapat anak, twins" They made my days better. I love them to bits.
Allah's plan is the greatest of all. From there, I know Teacher Pinky. She is the person who introduced me to Babu Masna, if you follow my story from the beginning, you will know who she is.
She's the person who said "Bisai peranakan mu ani, nah tabal ah, bila2 masa saja boleh betian ni" (ACTUALLY she said this after few months of taking Gaia, coz previously she always said my peranakan LICAK, and my ovaries are always shifted to the right (according to her if this always happened, I will be getting a baby girl, WELL HELLO MAYRA!)
Oh I forgot to mention, when I submitted my resignation letter to this International Company, they didnt allow me to quit since I am the key person there and the first to be hired, they still needed my service, so they made a new contract for me on a part-time basis, I only have to report to work twice a week, 1-2 hours each session, and the pay is half of what I got during my full time. Still high la, siapa kan membari duit beribu sebulan, only work twice a week, 1-2hrs each session. Alhamdulillah rezeki dari Allah. On top of that I also receive my salary from this Primary school, alhamdulillah luas rezeki...duit sentiasa cukup.
I started teaching in Sept 2014, and I got pregnant in April 2015. MY FIFTH PREGNANCY.
Again, I have to make a decision to sustain this pregnancy, after all those miscarriages I was so afraid I would lose another one. SO, I decided to quit teaching :((((((((((((((( for me, I can find money so easily, but I might not get another chance of conceiving. It was a very hard decision tho...
But it was a blessing, coz it made that pregnancy a bit easier to endure, coz nda banyak bekeraja. Tho inda lagi teaching, I am still bonded with my part time work, and still get some $$$ alhamdulillah ya Allah for that rezeki and comfort.
My baby was born on 22nd December 2015 :) the greatest gift I've got from God... Thank you!
Thank you Teacher Pinky, Thank you Babu Masna, Thank you Gaia, Thank you Students yg mendoakan teacher dapat anak, Thank you my Director for being the greatest boss on earth hehe, Thank you cats for absorbing all my stress vibes, Thank you husband for giving me your sample haha, Thank you family for your moral support, Thank you Mayra for that easy pregnancy journey. Siapa lagi ku lupa sabut...Thank you!
Jaga anak is not easy...after she got HFMD, kalau bukan my parentsinlaws and parents yg jaga, I will look after her on my own, coz my prinsip is simple, I do not like and I dont want to menyusahkan people. I rather jaga my own baby atleast nampak di mata2 ia growing.
Now people liat myself mcm inda bekeraja, but I am still bonded with my former company like I said, and I still earn $$$ so inda lah beharap sangat kan duit my husband, coz he also has other commitments. Tunggu tah baby basar sikit or baby sudah sekolah barutah pikir kan full time job. Right now, my main focus is arah baby, my part time job, my online business, tuition classes, and in sha Allah soon, mudahan Tuhan melancarkan segala urusan, to build an empire on my soon-to-be perniagaan, all in God's hands, coz like I said, He is the best of planner.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Baby number 2? 🤔
Im a bit excited to see my OPK lines, but... hmm my hubby is not ready he said, thinking about his financial state, not that we are poor and have no money 😅 but we are now focusing on filling up our bank accounts in case of emergency and we are now planning on buying a house in the near future.
On my perspective, I think money is easy to find, but to conceive is based on luck 😠especially with my age now (33), I really wish he can think ahead and start his semen analysis test anytime soon. erm..