Thursday, 21 July 2016
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Qu Puteh, Qu Puteh, Baru Lah Puteh !
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1 month (left) and 6 months+ (right) |
My baby awal2nya gelap pasal puas bejamur di bawah matahari. She got mild jaundice. Balik ke rumah, every morning my mom will remind me to put my baby near the window yg ada pantulan matahari.
I was pretty shocked at first, I was a bit worried so I asked my mom lah "aiii mau putih bebalik kah ni babuuuuuuuuu?" my mom and sis just laughed. Nyeh! Coz I remember my mom said, when I was a baby, I was really fair and all my aunties uncles called me "Si Putih" so I expect my baby pun jua putih sal babahnya dulu pun putih jua (I hope ia inda mengacang haha)
Start umurnya 4 months kali, barutah terang sikit kulitnya Alhamdulillah... hehe ditakdirkan ada baby gelap pun kami akan sentiasa besyukur, asalkan sihat walafiat...coz that smile of a baby always makes my heart MELT.
I guess one of the reasons why I got all fcuked up just now is that, I am sooooo soooo tired physically and mentally (GET YOURSELF READY, TTCIANS!!!). Imagine, antar ambil baby from daycare, pagi begagas, tengah hari bagi susu (bukannya sekajap ni) and taking my lunch and still begagas, then petang at 4.20pm sudah chow dari office. Everytime, has to think about baby supaya inda lupa mengambil. So basically, I cannot focus on my work. Selalu pikir pasal baby. I wonder if my husband also feel the same way? nah...i guess he's fine....bukannya ia yang antar ambil. pfftt...there I go again. haha
Mana lagi bila baby demam, I have to take leaves jua. That day, I remember, baby demam lepas vaccine, then deman selesma and batuk, then baik, then another selesma and batuk, all in all ada jua kan dekat sebulan baby inda masuk daycare, and I have to take my leaves to look after her. This time also always kelahi sama hubby, pasal it's always ME yang bekarih bejarih. Why dont ia ambil cuti jua bebagi2 lah, luckily my job ani FLEXIBLE. Luckily !!!!!!
Imagine kalau the company I am in ani strict. Balik pukul 5, pukul 4.20pm sudah jalan. Anak demam and have to take so many cuti. Ujung2 kana buang keraja pasal performance inda bagus. Huh... LUCKILY !!!!
Sometimes I think bisai plang jadi housewife, a stay at home mom, but nanti apa kata my family and his family. Masa ani PANGKAT dan HARTA kana pandang. Sorry to say. If you are nothing, you are nothing lah tu, kana layan macam sampah lah tu ah. Malu tu sorang2 kan mengakun kenal kan diri. LOL. This is sadly true. Tapi pikir2 if jadi stay at home mom, mcm mana kan survive di dunia yg segala2nya kan mau duit ani....kannnn....
I guess kalau ada amah, in sha Allah, teratur sikit kehidupan. That's what I think. Tapi bilanya beamah karang mcm2 hal timbul pun, paning jua mikirkan. Pulangtah masa ani payah kan mencari agent yang jujur. Tawakal lah saja. Mudahan tedapat agent dan amah yang jujur di masa akan datang.
Urang lain yang beamah, inda kan paham ni apa yg I go through. Keraja durang sanang sikit, beban pun inda banyak. Pasal ada helping hands. I need that. I need more handssssssssssssssss
Mana lagi bila baby demam, I have to take leaves jua. That day, I remember, baby demam lepas vaccine, then deman selesma and batuk, then baik, then another selesma and batuk, all in all ada jua kan dekat sebulan baby inda masuk daycare, and I have to take my leaves to look after her. This time also always kelahi sama hubby, pasal it's always ME yang bekarih bejarih. Why dont ia ambil cuti jua bebagi2 lah, luckily my job ani FLEXIBLE. Luckily !!!!!!
Imagine kalau the company I am in ani strict. Balik pukul 5, pukul 4.20pm sudah jalan. Anak demam and have to take so many cuti. Ujung2 kana buang keraja pasal performance inda bagus. Huh... LUCKILY !!!!
Sometimes I think bisai plang jadi housewife, a stay at home mom, but nanti apa kata my family and his family. Masa ani PANGKAT dan HARTA kana pandang. Sorry to say. If you are nothing, you are nothing lah tu, kana layan macam sampah lah tu ah. Malu tu sorang2 kan mengakun kenal kan diri. LOL. This is sadly true. Tapi pikir2 if jadi stay at home mom, mcm mana kan survive di dunia yg segala2nya kan mau duit ani....kannnn....
I guess kalau ada amah, in sha Allah, teratur sikit kehidupan. That's what I think. Tapi bilanya beamah karang mcm2 hal timbul pun, paning jua mikirkan. Pulangtah masa ani payah kan mencari agent yang jujur. Tawakal lah saja. Mudahan tedapat agent dan amah yang jujur di masa akan datang.
Urang lain yang beamah, inda kan paham ni apa yg I go through. Keraja durang sanang sikit, beban pun inda banyak. Pasal ada helping hands. I need that. I need more handssssssssssssssss
We have our UPS and DOWNS, semua couple jua macam atu kali......
I was so emotional just now. I talk craps about my husband does not mean he's a useless brat. As a provider, he is doing a great job, he spends most of his money for his family even if that means he has to ikat parut sometimes. heh. he helped me with laundry (tapi tunggu panuh 2 bakul baru di sasahnya ahaha), helped me with menjamur baju, buang sampah, looking after our 2 cats, and cuci barang pekakas baby. Gotta give him credits for that, once and for all ! Bye.
Long absence last post was on 9th May 2016.
A lot, A LOT of things have happened since my last post.
Hm...but I guess I wont be able to post everything here, since Im so busy with my baby.
When I think back, it was so good back then that I was able to sleep whenever and wherever I wanted, I could go out and hang out whenever and wherever I wished, I could browse through the internet in my office whenever I was free, and sometimes I stayed back and couldn't care less about the world. This kind of freedom, is what I miss the most after having a baby :( :(
Every morning during the weekdays, I have to make sure Mayra's bag is well prepared for her stay in daycare. #pause# Eh right now im not in the mood lah my husband is so annoying I cannot focus on what to say and what to type. Kancang rasa utak mendangar suaranya. I guess this is another side effect of giving birth? lol... I cant stand his voice and sometimes I hate to see him, like banci berabis !!! Kalau ku negative, memang ku buruk sangka that kami ani kana hantar "sihir pemisah"? lol malasku mikirin... eh bebahasa melayu tia haha oh well just go with it, sakit sudah kepalaku.
I visit the daycare 4 times a day. Haha... Pagi, tengah hari, petang and petang #smirk,
Right now, let it be that way, tho we have 2 car seats installed both in my car and my husband's car, I rather have my baby use mine. This is because sometimes my hubby (pemancing tegar tak takut dek buaya lemas kilat ribut mati) puts his boat engine di dalam bonet keretanya, and it smells like shit. I mean, I can smell the gasoline, but he can't. See... his nose sudah mengasi with that terrible smell. Am I gonna leave my baby sit there and inhale gas? Am I that crazy to let my baby suffocate? I AM A VERY PROTECTIVE MOTHER. selagi my husband sadar diri selagi atu I am willing to send her to daycare 4 times a day, ALTHOUGH I always fuss about it, coz ia senang lenang pergi kerja balik kerja inda payah tengok jam inda payah pikir pasal anak. PUIH. pls forgive my hormones. hormones selalu nda baik sebatah ada baby ani, lol.. mana kan inda cukup rehat. mana kan aku sorang ganya kan ingau perihal anak. makin karau utak masa ani so expect to see more cursings... urgh !
Atu weekdays lah, but bila weekends, when my hubby cuti, I expect to rest a bit and let him look after our baby. But, what did he do? He rather go out and go fishing. I know lah time puasa he didnt cast, and he even posted on facebook something like this "lama sudah nda mengail. few hours pun syukurtah - feeling stressed" - i was like...whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...ttt
HELLO. ia sorang kali ganya stressed. aku ani inda? eh why all of a sudden it's all about my husband now? haha... oh nevermind, let me continue. yatah kan, I expect to have my rest after all I have done (9 months preggy, in labor got induced, failed induction kena buat c-section, sakitnya sampai ani terasa, beurut pun payah (i cannot go out sekati2 bila ada baby), crazy hormones, crying baby, sleepless nights, painful nipples, weight gain, and banyak lagi lah) pagi petang sibuk, malam pun sibuk, subuh jua baby bangunkan mau susu, laki2 mana paham ni, apa durang buat bila bini bangun menyusukan baby, either they are sleeping or check facebook. why not, kalau ingau kan hal ehwal bini, tanya lah, sangal kah inda, mau bantal kah inda, minta urut kah inda, sediakan minuman panas (since baby minum inda pandai beranti), make yourself useful lah! Wah marah nampak... but seriously, kalau a mother is so stressed out, esp while breastfeeding, hormone gila atu turun ke baby. Mau kamu baby kamu stress kan? Pemarah pemental pemberontak So whenever my hubby cari pasal, or make me stress when I breastfeed my baby, I keep on bezikir dalam hati "Astaghfirullah" banyak kali sampai tenang sikit, hoping that hormone gila inda banyak masuk ke badan baby. Ya Allah, if only kamu laki2 tepikir pasal ani........ You will make your wife happy especially tah masa menyusukan. Kenang jasa durang sanggup inda betidur jaga anak kamu. Guys pls if you are reading this !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gosh before melarat I better stop typing...meluahkan sikit saja ni nyaman sikit rasa kepala. nada tempah meluahkan so sini saja lah hehe BABAI
A lot, A LOT of things have happened since my last post.
Hm...but I guess I wont be able to post everything here, since Im so busy with my baby.
When I think back, it was so good back then that I was able to sleep whenever and wherever I wanted, I could go out and hang out whenever and wherever I wished, I could browse through the internet in my office whenever I was free, and sometimes I stayed back and couldn't care less about the world. This kind of freedom, is what I miss the most after having a baby :( :(
Every morning during the weekdays, I have to make sure Mayra's bag is well prepared for her stay in daycare. #pause# Eh right now im not in the mood lah my husband is so annoying I cannot focus on what to say and what to type. Kancang rasa utak mendangar suaranya. I guess this is another side effect of giving birth? lol... I cant stand his voice and sometimes I hate to see him, like banci berabis !!! Kalau ku negative, memang ku buruk sangka that kami ani kana hantar "sihir pemisah"? lol malasku mikirin... eh bebahasa melayu tia haha oh well just go with it, sakit sudah kepalaku.
I visit the daycare 4 times a day. Haha... Pagi, tengah hari, petang and petang #smirk,
Right now, let it be that way, tho we have 2 car seats installed both in my car and my husband's car, I rather have my baby use mine. This is because sometimes my hubby (pemancing tegar tak takut dek buaya lemas kilat ribut mati) puts his boat engine di dalam bonet keretanya, and it smells like shit. I mean, I can smell the gasoline, but he can't. See... his nose sudah mengasi with that terrible smell. Am I gonna leave my baby sit there and inhale gas? Am I that crazy to let my baby suffocate? I AM A VERY PROTECTIVE MOTHER. selagi my husband sadar diri selagi atu I am willing to send her to daycare 4 times a day, ALTHOUGH I always fuss about it, coz ia senang lenang pergi kerja balik kerja inda payah tengok jam inda payah pikir pasal anak. PUIH. pls forgive my hormones. hormones selalu nda baik sebatah ada baby ani, lol.. mana kan inda cukup rehat. mana kan aku sorang ganya kan ingau perihal anak. makin karau utak masa ani so expect to see more cursings... urgh !
Atu weekdays lah, but bila weekends, when my hubby cuti, I expect to rest a bit and let him look after our baby. But, what did he do? He rather go out and go fishing. I know lah time puasa he didnt cast, and he even posted on facebook something like this "lama sudah nda mengail. few hours pun syukurtah - feeling stressed" - i was like...whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...ttt
HELLO. ia sorang kali ganya stressed. aku ani inda? eh why all of a sudden it's all about my husband now? haha... oh nevermind, let me continue. yatah kan, I expect to have my rest after all I have done (9 months preggy, in labor got induced, failed induction kena buat c-section, sakitnya sampai ani terasa, beurut pun payah (i cannot go out sekati2 bila ada baby), crazy hormones, crying baby, sleepless nights, painful nipples, weight gain, and banyak lagi lah) pagi petang sibuk, malam pun sibuk, subuh jua baby bangunkan mau susu, laki2 mana paham ni, apa durang buat bila bini bangun menyusukan baby, either they are sleeping or check facebook. why not, kalau ingau kan hal ehwal bini, tanya lah, sangal kah inda, mau bantal kah inda, minta urut kah inda, sediakan minuman panas (since baby minum inda pandai beranti), make yourself useful lah! Wah marah nampak... but seriously, kalau a mother is so stressed out, esp while breastfeeding, hormone gila atu turun ke baby. Mau kamu baby kamu stress kan? Pemarah pemental pemberontak So whenever my hubby cari pasal, or make me stress when I breastfeed my baby, I keep on bezikir dalam hati "Astaghfirullah" banyak kali sampai tenang sikit, hoping that hormone gila inda banyak masuk ke badan baby. Ya Allah, if only kamu laki2 tepikir pasal ani........ You will make your wife happy especially tah masa menyusukan. Kenang jasa durang sanggup inda betidur jaga anak kamu. Guys pls if you are reading this !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gosh before melarat I better stop typing...meluahkan sikit saja ni nyaman sikit rasa kepala. nada tempah meluahkan so sini saja lah hehe BABAI