Mayra Nadya

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Haekal Mikael

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Homeopathy Brunei

We met a homeopathy doctor last week for the first time. It's our another alternative to conceive.

I stopped taking in stupid supplements like Shaklee and the others, coz they made my thyroid problem even worser.

We came to know about this doctor from my sister in law. They hv waited around 3years to conceive. She went to see this doctor and got pregnant right away. But unfortunately it ended up as Ectopic..

So we went into his office, he asked my husband to cut a few strands of my hair, which later was placed on this machine, and with the help of a crystal hovered on my hair he was able to know my BP, sugar, cholesterol and thyroid level. Surprisingly they were pretty accurate.

My bp and sugar were always normal.
My cholesterol was on a borderline (6)
And my thyroid level was unexpectedly Good. Good to know.

Accordingg to him, both of us are normal. I can get pregnant anytime. Hm he made it sound so easy.

The homeopathy medicines were cheap too. Including consultation we were only charged for $30. Hoping for the best!

By the way, it has been long time I didnt catch a fever or cold. But today, I feel so different. My temperature was around 37.68degrees which was a bit higher than normal. What normal for me is around 36.5 degrees.

Crossing my fingers...

For you guys who would want to try another method of conceiving, you may kindly contact Dr Haji Zainal thru his phone line 875 4856. His clinic address:.No.6 First Floor, Spg 646, Hj Embran Building, Bunut

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Ovarian Cysts : Causes, Signs, Symptoms And How To Cure Ovarian Cysts or...

Apple Cider Vinegar and PCOS


By:Tabitha Norvell

There has been a lot of information that has been spread around about Apple Cider Vinegar and how it helps PCOS and its underlying cause Insulin Resistance. I decided to do my own research and this is what I found:

If you suffer from PCOS and Insulin Resistance:
- Take Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) before or during your meals. This allows the ACV to absorb into your system and start working.
- By taking ACV before or during your meals it helps reduce the rise in your blood sugar that would normally occur right after you have finished your meal.
- By helping reduce the rise in blood sugar it keeps your body from producing to much Insulin.
- Because your body is not producing large amounts of Insulin it reduces the amount of testosterone.
- Less testosterone means less acne, hair loss, excess hair and cycle problems. (this is great for women suffering from PCOS!)

How to take ACV:
- It is best to use Unfiltered organic Apple Cider Vinegar
- You will need to dilute the ACV with water or Juice. ( I have heard it goes best with Orange or Apple Juice)
- When you first start taking ACV start with a small dosage of 1/4 to 1/2 of a teaspoon and then work your way up to 2 to 4 teaspoons.
- The more severe your PCOS, Insulin Resistance and obesity levels the higher the dose you will need to take for it to be effective.
- Make sure when you are taking ACV that you do a 1:2 part ratio. What this means is you need to have 1 part ACV and 2 parts whatever liquid you decide to mix it with. If you are doing 2 teaspoons ACV then you need to do a minimum of 4 teaspoons water or juice.
- The amount of ACV that you need to take is going to be based on your meals. If you are eating a low Glycemic load meal with low carbohydrates then you will not need as much ACV.

Things to be cautious of while taking ACV:
- DO NOT TAKE if you suffer from ulcers or gastritis

- Some women who have PCOS and IR are taking Metformin. If you are on metformin please notify your doctor that you want to try ACV with a low glycemic load diet. This way they can monitor your Insulin and Blood sugar levels and adjust or possibly take you off of Metformin completely.

- If you need to sweeten the taste of the ACV it is recommended that you do so by using the stivia liquid drops.

- It is recommended that you wash your mouth out with water after you have taken the ACV to get the remaining acid off of your teeth.

- If you are seeing fantastic results and are finally to a place in your health where you are maintaining, give yourself a break from the ACV. This may not be something that you need to stay on for life if you are able to control your symptoms with a low glycemic diet and exercise. Please consult your physician about this!

*NOTE* I am not a doctor and I am not giving out medical recommendations. I am ONLY sharing information about things that I have found work for me and the research that I have done on these supplements. If you have any questions or concerns please speak to your Physician about them!

Thank you

Appointment at Gynae KB

Yesterday, for the first time, we went to see a doctor from Gynae KB.
We got referred from Gynae RIPAS because generally everyone knows that the doctors there got too many patients to handle and the waiting time was horrendous.
The doctors at Gynae RIPAS also didnt care and didnt give a damn s%^* about masalah patients.
I went there 3-4 times, and no progress at all !
Back to Gynae KB, waiting time is OK. We were there around 8am, and we were the 7th on the queue line. Not bad..

We met this indian doctor whom I didnt get the chance to know her name, she was OK, she asked quite a lot of questions, and most IMPORTANTLY instructed the lab ppl to carry out a lot of blood test. I can only remember about the Karyotyping (both my husband and I), Protein C and GTT tests. I never head about these before...

Blood test appointments:
08.07.2014 - Protein C, Karyotyping, etc
19.08.2014 - GTT

Blood review will be on 28.08.2014

Hope everything goes well....

UPDATED (08.07.2015)