Only 1 baby :D
Heartbeat was 178bpm
Measuring right on track, 8weeks 3-4days.
Friday, 29 May 2015
Beta result #2, prog, antenatal blood results
I am sooo happy!!!
I cried right in front of the doctor feeling shaky.
Look at the result shown in photo :'D
We are totally over the moon
I cried right in front of the doctor feeling shaky.
Look at the result shown in photo :'D
We are totally over the moon
Tanda-tanda mengandung bayi laki laki atau perempuan
jika mengandung bayi laki-laki
- Pada saat Anda menggantung cincin kawin Anda menggunakan benang diatas perut Anda, maka cincin akan bergerak melingkar NOT SURE
- Denyut jantung bayi kurang dari 140 kali /menit NOPE, IT WAS 178
- Perut tampak seperti bola NOT YET
- Tampak lebih baik dari sebelumnya YES
- Bantal menghadap keutara saat tidur NOT SURE
- Cenderung ingin makan daging atau keju(makanan tinggi protein) KEJU YES, DAGING NO
- Cenderung ingin makanan yang asin atau asam YES
- Tangan kering YES
- Kaki terasa lebih dingin dari sebelumnya YES
- Hasil Penambahan usia Anda (pada saat konsepsi) dan jumlah bulan pada saat Anda hamil adalah genap NOT SURE
- Rambut pada kaki tumbuh lebih cepat dari sebelumnya NOPE
- Suami dan Anda secara bersama-sama mengalami kenaikan berat badan WE LOST WEIGHT NO APPETITE TO EAT
- Badan terasa lebih berat dibagian depan NOT YET
- Tidak mengalami morning sickness pada awal kehamilan YES !!!!
- Sakit kepala biasa YES!! SOMETIMES UNBEARABLE
- Areola secara signifikan berwarna gelap HAVENT CHECKED
- Hidung mengembang HAHA NOT SURE
- Urine berwarna kuning terang YES
jika mengandung bayi perempuan
- Pada saat Anda menggantung cincin kawin Anda dengan benang atas perut, maka cincin bergerak dari samping kesamping NOT SURE
- Denyut jantung bayi lebih dari 140 kali / menit YES
- Perut terlihat seperti buah semangka NOT YET
- Pay*dara mengembang NOPE
- antal menghadap keselatan saat tidur NOT SURE
- Keinginan makan buah-buahan serta jus jeruk BUAH YES, JERUK NO
- Keinginan makan permen NO
- Wajah lebih berjerawat dari sebelumnya NO
- Rambut berubah agak kemerahan NO
- Berat suami sama seperti sebelumnya NO
- Pay*dara sebelah kiri kelihatan lebih besar dari yang sebelah kanan NO
- Berat badan lebih terasa disekitar pinggul dan punggung NOT SURE
- Mengalami morning sickness pada awal kehamilan NO
- Tidak mengalami sakit kepala NO
- Tidak mau makan bagian bawah sepotong roti OF COURSE
- Hasil Penambahan usia Anda (pada saat konsepsi) dan jumlah bulan pada saat Anda hamil adalah ganjil NOT SURE
- Terlalu banyak mengalami perubahan mood atau suasana hati NOT REALLY
- Urin lebih berwarna kuning kusam HMM DONT KNOW
- Terlihat lebih buruk dari sebelumnya YES
It's been a month since I last posted.
I guess the pregnancy thingy turned me into a couch potato, feeling so tired all the time!
Well...there are zillions of things to say but I do not know where to start because I feel so lazy and dizzy and lazy.
Today, my lil sprout is measuring at 9weeks 3days.
Last week we made a visit to Dr Ding clinic because hubby wanted to hear lil sprout's heartbeat.
I heard it already 2 days earlier at Early Pregnancy Unit at RIPAS. Unfortunately the doctor didnt allow my husband to hear the heartbeats, not until it has progressed to at least 12 weeks. So my husband was a bit disappointed and opted to go to a private clinic.
When baby was measuring 8weeks 4days, his or her heart was beating at 178 beats per minute. YES!
His or her. There's only ONE baby in there. Hehe.... It's OK !!! We are more than happy tho we expected to see twins.
Nevertheless, up to this date, I have not experienced any bleeding, ALHAMDULILLAH.
One time I had a brown discharge, not much to soak a panty pad.
Next appointment will be on 2nd June 2015 at HIGH RISK clinic (due to my previous 4 miscarriages, sigh!!!) to review my blood test.
Next ultrasound will be done on 15th June 2015, hubby has already booked his leave, he never wanted to miss out any ultrasound appointments. By that time, I will be around 11weeks 6days.
Ramadhan and Syawal, they are coming up...
Sent my kain to tailor shops already, and I am very nervous they are not able to cut to accommodate my growing belly.
Oh yea, since I am now under HIGH RISK clinic, doctor was expecting me to eat Aspirin one tablet a day, as well as to do daily injection with Fragmin. CRAZY. The idea to get myself injected EVERY MORNING was just HORRENDOUS. I am scared !!! Huhu, dont tell the doctor, I have never did any of these yet.
According to them, since I miscarried 4 times before, I need to do that to avoid blood clotting. But my previous blood test for coagulation was negative. Done on both 2012 and 2013. I have never had an issue with blood clotting. According to the doctor, TEST OR WITHOUT TEST I need to get down with Aspirin and Fragmin (the injection). Crazy. Next appointment, I will need to check for coagulation blood result, it it turned out negative again, I WILL NEVER EVER WANA DO FRAGMIN AND ASPIRIN.
From my research, continuous usage of ASPIRIN for a long term can cause my baby to become infertile if I am carrying a son. I love my lil sprout already and I am not gonna let them to go through infertility, coz I know how it feels to be hardly conceived. Ask those who have waited several years to conceive, they did not enjoy to go through this process. So NO! No ASPIRIN for me Doctor. Off they go to the trash!
To sustain pregnancy, I consume a lot of food that can naturally increase the production of Progesterone. At the same time, I will make sure I ate enough vitamins and minerals every day.
Wait...this rant has gone long. LOL. I was lazy to type a lot at first. So Im gonna stop at here.
This pregnancy gave me unbearable headaches.
I cried at times.
But as long as my lil sprout is healthy, I am all good.
I cant wait to see you baby....
We cant wait...
I guess the pregnancy thingy turned me into a couch potato, feeling so tired all the time!
Well...there are zillions of things to say but I do not know where to start because I feel so lazy and dizzy and lazy.
Today, my lil sprout is measuring at 9weeks 3days.
Last week we made a visit to Dr Ding clinic because hubby wanted to hear lil sprout's heartbeat.
I heard it already 2 days earlier at Early Pregnancy Unit at RIPAS. Unfortunately the doctor didnt allow my husband to hear the heartbeats, not until it has progressed to at least 12 weeks. So my husband was a bit disappointed and opted to go to a private clinic.
When baby was measuring 8weeks 4days, his or her heart was beating at 178 beats per minute. YES!
His or her. There's only ONE baby in there. Hehe.... It's OK !!! We are more than happy tho we expected to see twins.
Nevertheless, up to this date, I have not experienced any bleeding, ALHAMDULILLAH.
One time I had a brown discharge, not much to soak a panty pad.
Next appointment will be on 2nd June 2015 at HIGH RISK clinic (due to my previous 4 miscarriages, sigh!!!) to review my blood test.
Next ultrasound will be done on 15th June 2015, hubby has already booked his leave, he never wanted to miss out any ultrasound appointments. By that time, I will be around 11weeks 6days.
Ramadhan and Syawal, they are coming up...
Sent my kain to tailor shops already, and I am very nervous they are not able to cut to accommodate my growing belly.
Oh yea, since I am now under HIGH RISK clinic, doctor was expecting me to eat Aspirin one tablet a day, as well as to do daily injection with Fragmin. CRAZY. The idea to get myself injected EVERY MORNING was just HORRENDOUS. I am scared !!! Huhu, dont tell the doctor, I have never did any of these yet.
According to them, since I miscarried 4 times before, I need to do that to avoid blood clotting. But my previous blood test for coagulation was negative. Done on both 2012 and 2013. I have never had an issue with blood clotting. According to the doctor, TEST OR WITHOUT TEST I need to get down with Aspirin and Fragmin (the injection). Crazy. Next appointment, I will need to check for coagulation blood result, it it turned out negative again, I WILL NEVER EVER WANA DO FRAGMIN AND ASPIRIN.
From my research, continuous usage of ASPIRIN for a long term can cause my baby to become infertile if I am carrying a son. I love my lil sprout already and I am not gonna let them to go through infertility, coz I know how it feels to be hardly conceived. Ask those who have waited several years to conceive, they did not enjoy to go through this process. So NO! No ASPIRIN for me Doctor. Off they go to the trash!
To sustain pregnancy, I consume a lot of food that can naturally increase the production of Progesterone. At the same time, I will make sure I ate enough vitamins and minerals every day.
Wait...this rant has gone long. LOL. I was lazy to type a lot at first. So Im gonna stop at here.
This pregnancy gave me unbearable headaches.
I cried at times.
But as long as my lil sprout is healthy, I am all good.
I cant wait to see you baby....
We cant wait...
High Risk Clinic,